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Special Guest: Ron Scovil Jr.

     Hi, some of you know me. Many of you may be saying, "Do I really care to know him?" The answer is, the choice is yours.

     I am a huge anime and manga fan.

     I started watching anime back in the 70s. I joined the C/FO Los Angeles one of the then largest, and still oldest, anime clubs around and programmed some chapter meetings in Gardena for a bit in the late 80s.

     Frederik Schodt, Scott Frazier and Toren Smith all came from this club and it is good company.

     When I think of manga information the first person that comes to my mind is Mr. Schodt, and there isn't anyone that I respect more that is involved with this form of entertainment.

     I also worked on a manga magazine in the US, but that no longer is so I won't mention it. The best English language manga anthology for your dollar is Viz's 'Animerica Extra'. Now, if they only would add 'H2'...

     Here are some of the sites that I surf to regularly on the net. Some are familiar and some may not be.

Freddy Chan

Freddy Chan's cels and anime psx Games.

Freddy is the kind of anime fan and cel collector everyone should have as a friend in his or her town. Though the 'Anime PSX' site is no longer updated it was the best on the net. I used and still use it to look up some Japanese games that should come to the US.

Also an avid cel collector, he has some really nice cels. And how does he get so many autographs and sketches? ..Freddy has the secrets everyone wants.

Five Star Stories

This is the official website of Nagano's 'Toys Press' company. There is to be found here English information on some of the characters and people in The Mecha Manga Epic which is the 'Five Star Stories'.

Having translated the entire 'Five Star Stories' myself for personal usage, I think Trish Ledoux and Toshi at Viz have done a very classy job with their translation.

This is one of the best cult mangas of the past two decades.

Anime News

There are three sites that I visit often now for news and to get a chuckle. They are   For a magazine feel and anime info.

    Anime industry news and info the others won't do for political reasons.

   For the personality of Mike Toole. Great insight and commentary, and he has a sense of humor that I really like.

Anime Project Site

Usually most commercial sites are poorly designed and are just simply boring. This one I found to be entertaining and I loved the design. The anime on it looks cool too. I hope it gets released.

CyberJapan TV

This site is a must for J-pop and music fans that want to get to hear what people in Japan are listening to in Clubs.

It has a great area on fashion and the KoGal phenomenon (when they get back online).

Also there are some great mixes that can be downloaded, which are by various Tokyo Dj's of J-pop.

Fan Artist Site

One of my favorite fan artists on the net. English is not her first language but she is a remarkable person. Take a look at her online manga. There are some cute characters and designs to be found there. See her at Comiket this winter!


I'll see you at some anime cons!


Anipike not being responsible for Acts of God or the vaguaries of humans  ;)
this column will appear 'as and when' articles come in. New articles will
be announced on the "New List" page. (So original, da yo..^^)

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Last Update: 12/7/98