Maya Ibuki
Makoto Hyuga
Shigeru Aoba

Nerv, central control room

Maya Ibuki

She belongs to Nerv, the department of technology and development, the first division of board of technology. Direct senior officer is Dr. Ritsuko Akagi. She usually works as an operator to monitor the pilots of Evangelion. Other than this, she works as Ritsuko's assistant. She appears on the screen quite often. You know, because she is quite pretty (^_^)

Makoto Hyuga

He belongs to Nerv, the department of tactics and strategy, the first division of board of tactics. His direct senior officer is Misato Katsuragi. Mainly, he works as an operator. He handles emergencies quite quickly. He is usually cool-headed, so Misato sometimes makes him pick up her laundry. He sometimes pilots a huge air plane for carrying Evangelion as well. Pretty busy guy.

Shigeru Aoba

Nerv, central control room, operator. He is in charge of communication and data analysis. His hobby is playing music.

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