Ritsuko Akagi

Nerv, Department of Technology and Development, First Division of the Board of Technology

Ritsuko was in charge of creating Evangelion. Misato is her friend from college, but she seems much more intelligent than Misato. She is nervy and sometimes stressed. Misato's optimistic personality, however, tends to relax her a lot.

She always wears a mini skirt underneath her white robe. She also has a mole under left eye.

She is more on Gendoh's side rather than Misato, and probably knows about the "Scenario." She seems to know many top secrets.

The super computer "MAGI," which operates in the headquarters of Nerv, has been grafted with her mother's character.

Now she is 30 years old. She is a heavy smoker, and her hobby is to collect cat paraphenelia.

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