Re: Iris Songs

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mp (thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU)
Sat, 6 Feb 1999 21:26:16 -0800

Message-ID:  <>
Date:         Sat, 6 Feb 1999 21:26:16 -0800
From: mp <thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Iris Songs

This might be better on private email but oh well...

> I'm not exactly sure what all the fuss is about in the reading of
> "itoshi" since I have never taken a class about Japanese grammar (for
> Terrence who attends UC Davis, like me!, I've never had a class with
> Sakakibara, Uchida, Shigeyama or any of the lower division, so it's all
> beyond me).

Ah, you're missing out! Uchida-sensei wa saikou!!! I had
Sakakibara-sensei and although she's nice and all, she can also be

But man, Uchida-sensei is inspiration enough for taking Japanese =P.
Won't you agree Gerald/Godai?

> After all, how many ways do you need to count?

        Yes, that's probably my only complaint about Japanese. I think
all the different forms of speech makes it totemo muzukashii on the
Japanese learner, but at the same time, is cool because the way people
talk defines their personality.

> if you only stick to classroom Japanese, katakana is pretty useless (ask
> most of the students in a Japanese language classroom who have no
> interest outside of the class).

And for those who don't take japanese in a school, Katakana is probably
the only thing they learn. Kinda weird.

Then again, classroom japanese is focused only on formal japanese. I wish
I could really learn the different styles of talking. After all, nearly
none of the people in Japan say "desu, -masu" in every sentence.

> "Itoshii" can be used without the "no" (Itoshii hito). With the "no,"
> drop the "i," I just asked my walking dictionary, my mother. :>

Out of curiosity, does that apply to all "-i" adjectives?

Itoshi no Jean Paul = Itoshii Jean Paul

Kawai no Uchida-sensei = Kawaii Uchida-sensei ?


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