Re: Oops..Sorry Paul... (Possible Sakura on PSX)

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Paul J Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Sat, 20 Mar 1999 00:37:31 -0500

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Message-ID:  <l03130302b318e0ce72e0@[]>
Date:         Sat, 20 Mar 1999 00:37:31 -0500
From: Paul J Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Oops..Sorry Paul... (Possible Sakura on PSX)

>Never mind Paul. Forget what I said. I just talked to Darien Allen on ICQ,
>and he says Magic Box is composed of Japanese people (which might explain
>why nobody else got the story yet) and are generally pretty reliable.
>The main URL is:
>I wonder if this is just a Japanese RUMOR though.
>Anyways, sorry just the same.

In this case, an apology makes everything better. ^_^

Usually, Magic Box is good about labelling things as rumor, and this
wasn't. But this news is a bit hard to believe. I guess we'll see. If it is
true, I'll be amazed that Sega let Sakura Taisen get away from them. Hey,
maybe the Playstation version will be somewhat Dreamcast-compatible, like
the GameBoy Sakura Taisen game. That would be interesting.

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