ST minigames

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Paul J Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:57:20 -0500

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Date:         Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:57:20 -0500
From: Paul J Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject:      ST minigames

Hi everyone,

    There was some talk about minigames in #sakurataisen last night, and I
remembered that Iris's game in ST2 is very, very fun. You move Iris from
stand to stand in a bazaar-type area, while dodging other people who mill
around. The fun is in the dodging, just like in a shooting game.

    It's very fun that is, if you have a Saturn mouse. My high score so far
is 1950 with the mouse, and with the control pad... ugh. It's almost
unplayable. ^_^; Now, I thought that Ishingun had some high scores posted
for the minigames, but I can't seem to find it. I'd like to know how I
stack up against others. ^_^; Anyway, Ishingun is a good ST site to look
at, and they also cover some other Japanese games:

    Now, as for where one can get a mouse... that's a good question.
Unfortunately, it's getting harder to find these days, like all Saturn
stuff. I got mine at for about $8 + shipping and handling, but
that was a few months ago and it's no longer on their website. :( But
there's a small chance that they may have some anyhow, so it might be worth
an e-mail inquiry. Alternatively, a mouse should be included with a
Netlink, which goes for $39 at The Sega of America online store,
also appears to be selling the mouse, but for a hefty $30.

    By the way, a Netlink is probably the safest (although slightly
inconvenient) way to go as far as saving saved games, because you can
e-mail to yourself the files in the Saturn's memory as attachments, and
save them on your hard drive. So if one doesn't already have a memory card,
a Netlink might be worth considering.

    So anyway, Iris's minigame is lots of fun! "Sugoi sugoi!" ^_^ Anyone
else have a favorite minigame they want to rant about?

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