January 2000 * beginning - December 1999

February 2000 - Final chapter -
*PS* hey this is funny ^^ don't you think Noeru is SO fat?
here come the last chapter of mint.. how sad *sniff* v_<~

Miyu asked Noeru out, she said that she wants Noeru to meet someone. Miyu took Noeru to a coffee shop which Shingo is workin' at. She just don't want Noeru to got misunderstood about Shingo. And she said that she really glad that Noeru said he like her. So that's mean Miyu forgave Noeru.. and they once going out again ^.^

Chris finally got an evidence to prove that Noeru is a BOY. He got a photograph of Noeru and Maria when they were in the old school. He shows the photograph to Kanako, wishing to see her get mad. But NO, Kanako said that she don't care if Noeru is a boy or a girl. She likes Noeru as Noeru. So it doesn't matter, and so everybody probably feel the same way she is.

Kanako gave Chris a glare, saying he's such a loser (something like that) and having a bad attitude. Then she walked away, Chris was sparkled and follow her, "wait, kanako, please don't go.." ahh.. poor Kanako.

Back to happy couple, Sasa and Maria were sitting in the classroom after school... Maria was lookin' at photograph Sasa took at the lake ( with fish?? ). She was excited and said that she wanted to go with him sometimes. Sasa said that, Maria doesn't have to make herself match with him.. just be herself is the best thing. Maria said that she didn't feel uncomfortable about that.. and she's really happy to do what Sasa likes to do. *smile* :: nooo... Sasa's smiles are mine! ::

then.. ahh.. Maria found a purikura ( photo stickers ) that Sasa took with Noeru.. ( remember? the kissing one ).. She screamed out loud, "what is thissssss????"

Cut to Noeru and Miyu scene... They were talkin' about Chris keep on chasing after Kanako. And Noeru said that he started to get taller than Maria.. and he can't dress as a girl anymore... And that he probably have to go back to the old school.. and come to this school next year as a boy student. He just hoping that his friends will forgive him.. Miyu said that they won't angry at him, may be just feel a little surprise ^.^

Noeru and Miyu were about to kiss.. Maria angrily rushed in and show the purikura to Miyu. She said that she knew they kissed.. but she didn't know they kept that memorial by takin' pix and kept so well! That's mean Sasa really love Noeru.

Noeru trying to explained that Sasa was all crazy on his own.. Maria said "Shut up you freaks!"

-- OWARI, funny ending ^.^ --

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