Escaflowne Compendium








Thank you for perusing the Escaflowne Compendium! If you have any questions or comments, please read the Frequently Asked Questions and Fallacies first. Otherwise, feel free to e-mail the following address:
Egan Loo <>

Legal Notice

Copyright © 1996-2000 Sunrise, TV Tokyo/Bandai Entertainment, Inc./Egan Loo. All rights reserved. Materials on this site used with express prior permission obtained from Sunrise, Inc. and Bandai Entertainment, Inc. (USA). Product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Portions of the text earlier published in Animerica, Cal-Animage Konshuu, and EX with the author's permission. Please contact the author before excerpting any portion from this site.

Technical Notes

Although this WWW site has been designed to work with as many HTML 2.0-compliant browsers as possible (or feasible), the author recommends the following ideal configuration:
  • a UNIX variant, Macintosh OS 7, Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later versions
  • Japanese language support for viewing characters in the JIS X 0208-1990 character set standard that is encoded using the shift-JIS method
  • NCSA Mosaic 1.0.3.J+ or
    Netscape Navigator 1.1+ or
    any browser capable of handling shift-JIS-encoded characters and tables (a HTML 3.0 feature)
  • A Japanese font family
However, this site should work fine on almost all configurations from those running the Arena testbed browser to those running the text-based lynx browser or even those which resort to browsing by e-mail.

Special Thanks to

Those With an Vested Interest

TV Tokyo
Bandai Visual
Bandai Entertainment, Inc.

WWW Site Maintainers

Dan Hollis

Nice Knowledgeable Folks

Cal-Animage Alpha
Hitoshi Doi
Peter Evans
Dave Fleming
Ken Iyadomi
Shouji Kawamori
Stuart Levy
Yutaka Maseba
Masahiko Minami
Yukiko Ogawa
Keith Rhee
Marlon Schulman
Mark Simmons
Mike Tatsugawa
Dana Weaver
Hiro Yanagisawa
Nobuteru Yuuki

Beta Testers

Enrique Conty
Michelle Delgado
Anthony Yan


| Main | Updates | Preface | FAQs & Fallacies | Production | Story | Characters | Mecha | Epilogue |
Copyright © 1996-2000 Sunrise, TV Tokyo, Bandai Visual/Bandai Entertainment, Inc./Egan Loo.
All rights reserved. Last Revised on 2000 May 16

Egan Loo <>
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