This empire of industrial-age spires and techno-urban sprawl represented the Emperor Dornkirk's vision of a world united by his Machiavellian ambitions and technological discoveries. From Zaibach, forces of footsoldiers and Guymelefs march into the neighboring countries in order to seek the keys that will unleash the power of Atlantis. | |
Location | North of Fanelia and Asturia | |
Goverment | Empire |
Head of State | Dornkirk |
Economy | Industrial |
Note: The model for Zaibach is England during the Industrial Revolution. The motif of its crest represents an upward-gazing eye.
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Copyright © 1997 Sunrise, TV Tokyo/Bandai Entertainment, Inc./Egan Loo.
All rights reserved. Last Revised on 1997 December 31
Egan Loo <eganloo@anime.net>
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