8 The Day the Angel Flies
Tarot: La Temperanza
The building Hitomi sees in her dreams is the Shibuya 109, an actual department store in Shibuya (a Tokyo ward). It appears in other anime and manga, including 3x3 Eyes: The Legend of the Divine Demon. In fact, the curved bank of phones from where Amano pages Hitomi later back on Earth are actually those on the ground floor of this building. The antennae-adorned UFO catcher doll Allen wins for Hitomi is purportedly based on "Hitomi de Tyu," a dramatically super-deformed insect cariacture of Hitomi doodled by the Sunrise studio animator Yutaka Nakayama.
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Copyright © 1996-98 Sunrise, TV Tokyo/Bandai Entertainment, Inc./Egan Loo.
All rights reserved. Last Revised on 1998 May 02
Egan Loo <eganloo@anime.net>
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