Gundress |
Shirow has created the mecha and the character design for Gundress, a futuristic action thriller. Set in 2099 in Bay Side City (Yokohama), the base of a gigantic computer which governs Japan. The "Bouncer", a special police unit, has been established to fight against expanding international crime. There is also an organization called "Angel Arm", constituted by female agents. They use humanoid armored suits (gundresses) to battle against high-powered criminals, taking on those jobs the police can't handle. For example the fight against a gun runner named Hassein and his thugs.
Directed by Katsuyoshi Yatabe; original manga by Akira Amasawa (ORCA). Premiers were in Japan during March 1999, but there were some problems. This is the translation of an announcement appeared on the Gundress official site (now off): Apologies and Notice
They also promised to give the tape of the "completed" version to those who watched the movie at the theater. This incident was on the newspapers too. Anyway, it's unbelievable! How can they release an uncompleted movie! On February 24, 2000 Star Fish and ORCA have released a PlayStation game based on this animation. |
Making of Gundress - Episode: 00
Gundress Original Soundtrack
Gundress DVD
The creation of this page has been possible thanks to Retep, Takeuchi Shouichi, Uwe Hartnick, Simon Bergmann. |
Pictures Copyrights
Above: Gundress © Shirow/(?) respective companies. Left: Orion ©1991 Shirow/Seishinsha. |
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