

"Protected by the light of the Morning Star, I am Sailoraurora! In the name of the Stars, I will defend against evil!"

Name: Hoshi Ashita

Definition: Morning Star

Age: 15

Birthday: June 26

Sign: Cancer

Ruling Planet: Aurora

Bloodtype: B

Hair: Knee length dark blue, with a purple bow

Eyes: Purple

Hobbies: Swimming, horse riding

Likes: Reading, sports, making friends

Dislikes: Bullies, snobs

Strength: Sincerity

Weakness: Naivety

A little bit about her: Ashita is a kind, heartfelt girl who finds great joy in making a new friend. Seen as naive by many, she just sees the world in a different life. As Sailoraurora, she tries to use her powers to help others.

Fuku: Her fuku is mainly silver, with pink bows. Her brooch is circular, and silver, as is her tiara gem. Her shoes are silver high heels.

Henshin: Aurora Star Power, Make Up-She holds her hand up, and her fingernails glow silver as her henshin wand appears and spins. She then catches it, as the symbol of Aurora(A silver star) spirals outwards. She is then surrounded by glowing silver threads of light that wrap around her, leaving her transformed.

Powers: Sparkling Force-She holds out her hand, and a silver bolt of energy slams into the enemy, injuring them.

Dawn Shield-Creates a silver-pink shield which swirls around her or a chosen other, prtoecting them from most attacks.

{Sailorsun | Sailorchibisun | Warriorsun | Sailorearth | Sailornemesis | Sailorerebus | Sailoraurora}