Oh, the Things
She's Done
Oh, the Things
She's Done!

Who's That Cute L'il Thing?!

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The Senshi Equation

In Her Name

Naughty Girl!

Sing My Heart

There's Reasons For Greatness




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What To Do With Those Comments


Living Ep. by Ep.

Well, since Iron Mouse lasted nine episodes, why not find out what happened in those episodes?  Yes, this is where all the episode summaries are (all written by me).  But!  Not only are there episode summaries, but a complete detailed look at the episodes!  I try to do one episode every once while, so maybe by the middle of summer all of them will be done. *crosses fingers*

#173 summary detailed
#174 summary detailed
#175 summary detailed
#176 summary detailed
#177 summary detailed
#178 summary detailed
#179 summary detailed
#180 summary detailed
#181 summary detailed

Note: All the translations here are from my fansubs, not done by me (I'm not that good at Japanese ^^;;).  All of my fansubs are from VKLL, so the translations are from his tapes.



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