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Last Exit Before HELL

by Ryan Matheuszik

Last Exit Archives

April 1999

OH YEAH! Hang on tight, because I'm in the driver's seat this month, and things are gonna get more than a little bumpy! Now, I know what you're wondering. You're wondering where the hell the USUAL Ryan is. Well, HE AIN'T HERE! So you're gonna have to deal with ME this month. Ryan Matheuszik. Grab yourself a seat and keep those heart pills handy, this should be one HELL of a ride!

OK, lots to talk about this month, but let's start with something that has been worrying me for some time. The over-promotion of anime. While gathering new fans is the lifeblood of the anime community, recently things have begun to go too far on the corporate end. One company (I won't say wth one, but let's just say their mascot is the universally hated "Manga Man") in particular has been leading the pack by getting its product into every single record store and video outlet known to man. This would be a good thing, except for the way they're promoting the product. "Sick, twisted, and uniquely imaginative!", oh how that phrase causes me to shudder. Sure some anime fits that description, but the majority does not, and by drawing in fans who are just looking for some "alternative" media, sex, violence and rock'n'roll, they artificially balloon the industry.

It's just like what happened in the comic industry. Foil covers, alternative covers, spin offs, crossovers, Superman dies, and a ton of people who aren't really interested in comics start buying them in droves. Soon these "false fans" get bored and move on to the next new thing, and the bottom falls out of the comic book market. Don't think it could happen to the anime community? Look at what happened to MANGA in Europe. A friend of mine from the UK informs me that 3 years ago you couldn't turn a corner and not run into a display of MANGA tapes. Then their "flavor of the month" status wore off, and today he has to order his anime online. The industry has room to grow, but it should do it cautiously. Walk before it runs. By the very nature of anime it will never be mainstream media, and it shouldn't try to be. If the industry continues to slowly build its base of dedicated fans, then we will have nothing to worry about. Remember:

"Better stop short than fill to the brim.
Oversharpen the blade, and the edge will soon blunt.
Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect it.
Claim wealth and titles, and disaster will follow.
Retire when the work is done.
This is the way of heaven.
" -Lao Tsu

OK, last thing. A small cavalcade of cons. This month in Seattle we've got Baka!-Con ! Last year they raised the bar for first year cons, and I'm pretty stoked about going this year. And look! There's even a special price on tix for us Canucks! Not bad!

Last year I had the opportunity to fly my keister out to Toronto for CNAnime. Despite the nasty, HOT, Torontonian weather, and a few minor "first con" problems, I had an awesome time there! The Late Night Anime was GREAT! This year Wendy promises me it'll be even BETTER, and though I don't have the cash to go on a cross-continent trek, those of you on the east coast can still check it out.

Oh, and before we go on to this month's column, I'm gonna pimp my site a bit. Why? Because I can. Anyways, Ryan's Anime Review is a real kickass look at enough animes to drive an otaku insane! OK, that done, let's take a look at this month's column...

On to this month's topic!

Last Exit Before HELL @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Last Exit Before HELL © 1999 Ryan Matheuszik. All Rights Reserved.
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: 3/22/99