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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 2 Translation (Part 2)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 38
Aya's Father: [...Aya...]

Aya's Father: [...farewell...]

Aya: [Dad... Mom?! Wait, where are you going? Aki...?! Wait!]

Aki: [Aya... goodbye...]

Aya: [WAIT--!!]

Page 39
[Aya wakes up... to find Kyuu staring her in the face.]

Kyuu: "OKAY..."

Aya [screaming]: "Aki's face got smashed! we're supposed to be twins...!"

Kyuu: "Um, you're still half-asleep..."

Suzumi: "Ah, you finally woke up? You've been asleep for a long time... it's already four o'clock. Yuuhi's going to give the school a plausible excuse for you. Anyway, you must've been exhausted... take the day off!"

Page 40
Aya: Oh yeah... I came back from the hospital, and then... "Suzumi! How's my mom's condition?"

Suzumi: "No change. I'm told she was able to take fluids, but there's no proof. We'll just have to bide our time. Don't worry. Leave it in the hands of the doctors. I'll take care of the expenses."

Aya: "Su... Suzumi..."

Suzumi: "Just pay it back in full when you get a job someday."

Aya: My mother assaulted me... what was she told by my grandfather and the rest of them... what was done to her?

Suzumi: "Ah, it's about time for Yuuhi to get home... he insisted on skipping school this morning, too."

Page 41
Suzumi: "He's always worried sick about you."

Aya: Yuuhi was...?

Yuuhi: Shit... what's with my classmates? Just 'cause Aya skipped school all day, they're all like, it's a lover's quarrel, or I'm deserting my girlfriend! They all just need to shut the hell up!

Servant: "Welcome home." Yuuhi: "Yeah, yeah!"

Yuuhi: I really don't feel all that bad, but..."

[Yuuhi opens the door to his room, and finds everything gone.]

Page 42

Suzumi: "Ah, he's home. ...not that it's hard to tell..."

Yuuhi: "Where the hell is everything from my room?!"

Suzumi: "Why are you asking me? Maybe a thief stole it all, I don't know."


Suzumi [clucking]: "Miss Oda?"

Kyuu [clucking]: "Yes, mistress."

Page 43
[Suzumi and Kyuu open the sliding door to Aya's room, revealing Yuuhi's belongings--in the room next hers.]

Suzumi: "Here you go."

Yuuhi: "Whaaaa--?!"

Aya: "Right next to mine...?"

Suzumi: "This is your room from now on. It's partially your own fault, for not sticking close to Aya recently!"

Yuuhi: "Still, there's only a pair of fusuma between us!"
{Fusuma - Japanese sliding screens.}

Aya: "No kidding! I'll be assaulted by him long before the Mikage ever get to me!!"

Suzumi: "Oh, don't worry, he's not that brave!"

Yuuhi: "Excuse me...?"

Page 44

Yuuhi & Aya [in unison]: "Yes, ma'am!"


Aya: "Hey! Turn it down a little, will you? it doesn't fit my mood right now..."

Yuuhi: "It's my right to listen to whatever music I want to in my own room."

Aya: "You're impossible! If you so much as set one foot in my room at night, I'll kill you!"

Yuuhi: "Same to you, sister! Just 'cause I'm good looking, don't go getting any ideas!"

Page 45
Aya: "As if!! I swear, the nerve! You've gotta say something to Suzumi about this! If she's your brother's wife, your position must be better than hers!"

[The music suddenly goes silent.]

Yuuhi: "I get to live however I want here... so I can't really complain."

Yuuhi: "This family is a branch of the Aogiri, widely respected as keepers and teachers of traditional Japanese dance. My late brother broke away from the main branch and established it. Suzumi is originally from the school in Kansai, and we've known each other for a long time. But as soon as she and my brother married, my brother died in a car accident. It was all over the papers..."

Page 46
Yuuhi: "Since then, she succeeded as head of this branch, and has been maintaining it."

Aya: "Well, isn't there the main family? What about you? Do you dance?"

Yuuhi: "I'm actually partial to cooking. My mom--she died when I was in the fifth grade--was a great cook. No matter who cooked for me after she died, it just wasn't the same. So I decided to cook for myself. ...and after that..."

Aya: "What about your dad?"

Yuuhi: "He lives happily with his second wife at the family home. My older brother will inherit the family estate... and I live here."

Aya: "Didn't you get along with your stepmother?"

Page 47
[Yuuhi doesn't answer.]

Aya: "But... you and Suzumi look just like a real brother and sister. Aki and I were usually like that." I wanna see Aki...

Yuuhi: "Yeah... I must be doing all right... at least I've got a family I can talk about like this."

Aya: A family...

Aya [remembering Tooya's words]: [I don't remember anything about my family or myself]

Aya: Tooya... you can't talk about your family like this. You don't even know yourself... you're all alone in the world.

Page 48
Yuuhi: "Well, if you don't mind... you can, like, think of us as your family--"

[Yuuhi notices the sudden silence. He opens the door to Aya's room, and finds that she's asleep.]

Page 49
[Yuuhi remembers the time when Ceres leaned down towards him, and called his name. He leans over Aya...]

Page 50
[Aya rolls over in her sleep, and smacks Yuuhi senseless in the process.]

Yuuhi [holding his face in pain]: "--even with an injured arm--"

Yuuhi [remembering what he said to Tooya]: [I'll protect Aya myself!]

Yuuhi: What am I doing? I said the same kinda thing that time, too... without even thinking twice. This girl really throws my head outta whack...

Page 51
Aki: "Damnit... I'm gettin' dizzy... got out of there with no money..."

[Aki brushes past some generic street toughs.]

Tough 1: "Hey--"

Tough 1: "That hurt, punk--hold up, there!"

Tough 2: "What's with this guy? Out in pajamas?"

Tough 3: "You escape from a hospital?"

Page 52
Aki [yanking his arm back]: "ah... Let go and get outta my face, jerkoff!"

Tough 1 [shoving Aki against a fence]: "What'd you say, brat?"

Tough 1: "Who's the jerkoff now? Huh?" Aki: "I said, let go... I don't have time to waste with you assholes!"
Page 53
[One of the toughs punches Aki in the stomach.]

Tough 1: "Shit... don't mess with me, kid. Sick little brats should sleep quietly, dig?"

Tough 3: "Want me to make it so you can't even get up?"

Tough 2: "Hey, check and see if he's got anything valuable..."

Aki: Aya

[Someone grabs a street tough's head from behind.]

Page 54
[Tooya shows up at that moment, and makes short work of the toughs.]

Tough: "My nose... my nose...!"

Page 55
[The toughs limp away in a lot of pain.]

Tooya: "Hey, I went easy on you..."

[Tooya notices Aki trying to scurry away, and puts his boot on Aki's back.]

Tooya: "Don't go running off."

Aki: "What do you think you're doing to me? I'm hurt!"

Tooya: "Then go back to the Mikage and rest. I'm losing sleep because of you."

Aki: "Are you kidding? I could never stay with an old man who's trying to kill Aya... his own granddaughter!! I left a message to mom.. I'm going to the Aogiri... to see Aya."

Page 56
Aki: "No matter how hurt I am, I have to go, and quickly. Aya can be very strong, but another side of her is weak." Tooya: "You're... that worried...?"

Aki: "OF COURSE!! She's my only sister!"

[Tooya grabs Aki's shoulder and pulls him back.]

Aki: "Hey... hey, that hurts!"

Page 57
[Back at the Aogiri home, Aya is lying in bed.]

Aya: "Yuuhi...? I haven't finish talking with him, is he asleep already?"

[Aya sees a book on Japanese Myths.]

Aya: "Lessee... ah, found it... 'The Legend of the Tennyo's Hagoromo'."

Page 58
{ Once upon a time, there lived a fisherman. One day the young fisherman went to the sea, and saw a handful of beautiful heavenly maidens bathing. Hanging on a nearby tree, he discovered beautiful robes, and when he found out that it belonged to the Tennyo, he stole one and took it home. The Tennyo whose hagoromo was stolen could not return to the sky. She saw the fisherman and asked of him, "Did you see my hagoromo? If you took it, please return it to me. " The fisherman, however pretended to not know of such a thing. Unable to return to the heaven, the Tennyo--sadly, and with an ocean of tears--married the fisherman. As time passed, they bore two children. A few years later, the Tennyo heard her children singing, and learned where her feathered robe was hidden. She took the hagoromo and returned to her long awaited sky... leaving behind her husband... leaving behind her children. }

[Aki gets out of a car.]

Aki: "Where are--"

Tooya: "This is the Aogiri household. You'll find Aya there."

Page 60
[Aki looks back into the car at Tooya.]

Aki: "Tooya..."

Tooya: "You can only stay for one night... and if you see Aya, whatever you do, don't mention me."

Aki: "Why? Do you know Aya?"

[Tooya doesn't answer.]

Aki: "-- thank you."

Page 61
[Aya closes the book and puts her head on her knees.]

Aya: But you didn't go back, did you, Tennyo? How come I can turn into a one of you now? If this keeps on going, I wouldn't even know if I'd killed my whole family... and getting Aki back--!

Aki: "AYA?!"

Page 62
Aya: "Huh? Aki?"

[Aya goes SD and rubs her eyes]

Aya: "GOD! I have got to go back to sleep, I'm hallucinating again."

Aki: "Aya It's me! are you alright?" Aya: "A... ki?"

Page 63
[Yuuhi is ready to run to Aya, but Suzumi grabs his sleeve.]

Suzumi: "Don't worry I believe in that kid! He's Aya's twin brother..."

Yuuhi: "Whaaaaa??"

Page 64
Aki: "Aya... you look thinner now than when I saw you before our birthday. Every time you say you're gonna go on a diet, you never really meant it..."

[Aya hugs Aki and starts to cry tears of happiness.]

Aya: "What are you talking about, you idiot!"

Page 65
Aya: "Everyday, I worried so much about you, Aki!! Everyday!! Do you have any idea how I felt? I thought I'll never be able to see you again."

Suzumi: "Yuuhi... show us some of your best cooking tonight!"

[Yuuhi smiles, looking at Aya and Aki.]

Yuuhi: "Gotcha!"

Page 66
Aya: "Oh yeah Aki, how did you get away from Grandpa?"

Aki: "Ahh, it was To..."

Yuuhi: !!

Aki [stammering]: "...to... totally cool! A very kind hearted person brought me here."

Aya: Too... ya?

Aya: Tooya... it was Tooya who bought Aki here?

Yuuhi: "Shoulda known! Hunh. I don't really feel like cooking, can't I just be lazy right now?"

Suzumi: "NO YOU CAN'T!!"

Page 67
[Aki shows off his scars.]

Yuuhi: "Whoa... a body full of scars... must hurt... how can you still move like that?"

Aya: "Are you okay?"

Aki: "Oh, it's not as bad as it looks, really! I'm fine!"

Aki [to Yuuhi]: "I just ate a table of the most delicious gourmet food."

Yuuhi [grinning and chuckling]: "I just knew you are going to say that!!"

Aya: ...

Aki: "Also... thank you for taking care of Aya!"

Page 68
Aki: "Do you have any idea what's going on, Aya? Cause I sure's hell don't. Why is grandpa attacking us?"

Aya [wringing her hands in her yukata]: "Uh... no!"

[Yuuhi excuses himself.]

Yuuhi: "All right! You two get some rest now, I'm right next door if you need anything just call me! Night!"

Aki: "Uh, g'night."

Aya: I can't tell Aki...

Aya: "Aki... can we hold hands?"

Aki: "Huh? Alright."

Page 69
Aya : "It's just like when we were little... I feel... so safe."

Aki: "Yeah."

Aya: "Aki... are you still the same Aki as before?"

Aki [laughs]: "Of course I'm the same person!"

Aya: "I'll be here with you, don't worry. Go to sleep!"

[Aya suddenly jumps up.]

Aya: "Oh yeah Aki, The earrings--"

[Aki is asleep, holding Aya's hand]

Aya: "Sweet dreams."

Page 70
[Two hands are on Aki's body, slowly going towards his neck.]

Page 71
[Hands strangle Aki's neck.]

Ceres: "Found you at last!"

Ceres: "This scarred body... YOU ARE THE MAN WHO RUINED ME!!"


Continued in Part 3...

[back to the volume 2 translation page]

translation by 猫舌 (Brandon Bannerman) 林まり, and Karen1999
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