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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 2 Translation (Part 3)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 72
Ceres: "Return my Hagoromo at once!"

Aki: "Uhh... such strength..."

Page 73
[Tooya slashes at Ceres, who narrowly flies out of the way.]

Page 74
Ceres: "Tooya! So it's you again..."

Tooya: "Aki, this way!"

Page 75
Yuuhi: "Hey!! What's going on??"

Aki: "That bath robe... Aya?!"

Ceres: "Begone, Tooya! That man is my sworn enemy!"

Tooya: "I hate to break it to you, Aki, but that's not your twin sister right now. You better go outside."

Aki: !!

Page 76
Ceres: "Don't even think of leaving. You are not Aki Mikage... the proof lies in the scars on your body!!"

[Ceres sends a blast of energy at Tooya and Aki.]

Page 77
Ceres: "Why are you unhurt...? Does my power have no effect on him...?"

[Tooya is holding Aki, protecting him.]

Tooya: "I'm sorry, but protecting Aki is my job."

[Aki breaks away from Tooya and runs to hug Ceres.]
Page 78
Aki: "Aya, what's wrong with you!? CALM down!! It's me!! We've been separated too long already... AYA!!"

Ceres: "Take... your hands off me!!"

Page 79
Tooya: "You told me to return your Hagoromo, and you said that Aki is your enemy... what do you mean by all this?"

Ceres: "The first time I set foot on this earth, a man by the name of Mikage stole my Hagoromo so that I couldn't return to my home.. and that Man.. he forced me to..." Ceres [pointing at Aki's scarred body]: "Those scars are the ones I made with my very own power!!"

Page 80
Ceres: "I vowed to take my revenge, to take back my Hagoromo and kill all of the Mikage family!!"

Aki: "That's not true... I am not the man... you think I am... it's not true!" Ceres: "The only one who could know the location of Hagoromo is you... now return it!!"

[At that point, Suzumi and Yuuhi walk in...]

Suzumi: "Yuuhi!! You have to turn Aya back into her old self! You heard what she said, Ceres wants to kill Aki! You have to turn her back now!"

Aki: "I don't know any 'Hagoromo'! I'm Aya's brother... and you're my sister!!"

Page 81
Ceres [shouting]: "It makes no difference what you think you are!! You are my enemy!! The entire Mikage family will--"

[Yuuhi grabs Ceres' arm, and whirls her around.]

Yuuhi: "That's enough, Ceres! Turn back to Aya now!"

Ceres: "Yuuhi..!! I'll not revert back to that child! She's going to sleep until this is resolved!"

Tooya: "Let's go, Aki, while we have the chance!"

Aki: !!

Tooya: "You don't want to see your sister and you kill each other do you?"

Page 82
Ceres: "WAIT!!" Yuuhi: "Damnit... this is the only way--"

[Yuuhi kisses Ceres, who is predictably startled. Suzumi and Kyuu make startled feminine sounds of surprise. In a moment... Ceres turns back into Aya.]

Page 83
[Aya sees Tooya taking Aki away]

Aya: "Aki... TOOYA!!"

Aya: "WAIT!!"

Suzumi: "AYA!!"

Aya: "Where are you taking Aki!?"

Aya: What's going on? The door's all smashed up-- No... no...!

Page 84
Aya: "Wait wait!! Tooya!"

Tooya: "Ka... Kagami..."

Kagami: "Thank you Tooya... You can leave Aki here. Aki, get in the car."

Page 85
[Aya runs towards Tooya, her robe half falling off.]

Aya: "TOOYA!"

Aya [grabbing Tooya by the lapels]: "WHERE'S AKI!?"

Page 86
Aya: "Where is he? Why'd you take him away? Wasn't it you that brought him here?"

Tooya: "You... changed back?"

Tooya: "Kagami took him, that was his car just now."

Aya: !!

Tooya: "This time your granpa is sure to lock Aki up again."

Aya: "You said... I changed back, you mean I changed into that Tennyo again?

Aya: "Did I attack Aki? And you? Answer me! How come no one wants to tell me anything?"

Page 87
Aya: "You must know what happened? Damnit, you're pissing me off! If you don't tell me, I won't stop until I get some answers! I swear!"

Tooya: "All right... but first, kindly fix your robe. If anyone sees it they'll think I'm some kinda pervert."

Tooya: "My car is over there. If you still insist on wanting answers from me, come along."

Aya: ...!!

Page 88
[Yuuhi and Suzumi are walking along the streets looking for Aya]

Yuuhi: "Aya!?"

Yuuhi: "Aya!? Damn it! I didn't think she could run that fast..."

Suzumi: "It's you, you had to go and faint..."

Yuuhi: "Where did she run off to? I can't find her anywhere."

Suzumi: "So that's Ceres? But she looks completely different... well, anyway, if that story's true, then we're in deep trouble."

Yuuhi: ...

Suzumi: "Besides, the only way of changing her back is your, uh, kiss--"

Yuuhi: "Don't remind me! You think I like it any better?!"

[Aya and Tooya are in the car, with Tooya driving.]

Aya: "Hey! Where are we going? ..do you even have a license..?"

Tooya: "Back to my condo."

Aya: "Ah, I see--wha--WHAAT?!"

Tooya: "I said I'm going home. My workday's done, you know."

Tooya: "You said it yourself, you were going to get answers from me no matter what. I didn't force you to come."

Aya: ...

[...and upon arrival...]

Tooya [opening the from door]: "Come on in."

Page 90
Tooya [handing his jacket to Aya]: "Take it. Go take a shower first, it's hard to clean up with you running around barefoot in your dirty robe."

Tooya: "What? Are you scared of me?"

Aya [angrily grabbing the jacket from Tooya]: "Says who?!"

Tooya: "Feel free to use the towels and stuff."

Tooya: "Besides, it's your cousin Kagami who gave me this house."

Tooya: "Take your time."

Aya [entering the bathroom]: Why... why did I follow him here?

[Aya takes off her robe]

Aya: Even if I knew what happened, what good would it do me?

Page 91
Aya: "All of this came from somewhere inside of me, but I... my body, my mind, and my heart..."

Aya: "Aya Mikage, your life is yours and no one else's."

[Aya gets out of the shower and see Tooya on the couch]

Aya: !

Aya He fell asleep

Aya [shivering]: "So cold..."

Page 92
Aya: This city, this room, all so cold and lifeless, all artificial... The rainbow lights, so bright but lacking warmth, can only be viewed from afar, shining forever...

Tooya [waking up and seeing Aya staring off out the window]: "Forget about Aki! It's for your own good as much as his."

Aya: "So that means, I did attack Aki?"

Page 93
Aya: "Don't screw around! Based on what? Why do me and Aki have to seperate?"

Tooya: "That's just how Fate is..."

Aya: "Fate? What? Says who? Who decided that, and for what selfish reasons? They didn't even ask for our permission!"

Aya: "Want me to give up? Should I spend the rest of my life in tears?"

Page 94
Tooya: "I think I've had enough of this talk for one night."

Tooya: "You can use that bed. Get some more sleep. When morning comes, I'll get you back to the Aogiri."

Aya [grabbing Tooya's arm as he gets up]: "Heyyy!"

Aya: "Is it also up to Fate that we become enemies?"

[Tooya looks down at Aya's hand, which is trembling.]

Tooya: "...trembling...?"

Page 95
Aya [snatching her hand back and holding it with the other. She's very obviously shivering from head to toe.]

Aya: "It's nothing!" Like hell, it's cold!

Aya: "This bed over here, you said? Sorry to bother you... I'll just borrow it for the night!"

Aya: Am I shivering from the cold? I don't know... anger? Sadness?

Aya: Are those my feelings, or... those of someone who's alone yet again--

[Tooya reaches from behind Aya and puts his arms around her, almost protectively.]

Page 96
Aya: "Hey... what the... whattya think you're doing?!"

Tooya: "You're cold, aren't you?" Tooya: "I'll hold you like this until you stop shivering."

Tooya: "If I'm out of line, just push me away. It's your choice."

Aya: ...

Aya: "But... but what if I end up changing into *her* again? If that happens, I'll kill you for sure!!"

Page 97
Tooya: "What happens, happens. I just... I don't know why, but I want to hold you close like this."

Aya: "Oh, I get it now. Slick bastard, aren't you. I wish you'd go back to being cold to me... you're just confusing me like this."

Aya: "You know I could never push you away like that! I couldn't kill you either!"

Aya: The only thing I understand is this--

Page 98
Aya: "Because I like you!"

[Aya and Tooya kiss each other and settle to the bed.]

Aya: I can't fight anymore... Tooya isn't my opponent...

Aya: ...nor the Mikage... nor even Aki...

Aya: ...it's Ceres... my other self.

Aya: "I'm happy just being held by you like this... stay like this forever!"

Page 99
Aya: "I'll fight for this..."

Tooya [leaning in to kiss Aya]: "Mmhmm..."

Aya: ...for myself...

Aya: ...for Aki...

Aya: ...and to protect these feelings.

Continued in Part 4...

[back to the volume 2 translation page]

translation by 猫舌 (Brandon Bannerman), 林まり, and Karen, 2000
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