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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 4 Translation (Part 6)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 159
Aya: "Chi--"

[Chidori has transformed into a Tennyo.]

Aya: "--Chidori...?!"

Page 160
Aya: "Chi

Aya: "Chidori...you, that...body..."

Aya: "Trans...formed--!?"

Chidori: "Huh...?!"

[Chidori feels her breasts and looks under her skirt.]

Page 161

Shouta: "Ungh..."

Chidori: "Shouta!!"

Yoshizuka: "don't move!!"

[Yoshizuka has grabbed hold of Shouta's neck.]

Page 162
Yoshizuka: "Why...Why does it hurt so much?!"

Yoshizuka: "I know...All the others like me who came here have died."

Yoshizuka: "That day... we all took the drugs from the medical clinic department."

Yoshizuka: "Why...? Why do all these terrible things still happen to us!!"

[Yoshizuka begins to choke Shouta.]

Yoshizuka: "Shi...t..."

Yoshizuka: "Who did this?!...You guys'd better tell me what you know right away!!"

Page 163
Yoshizuka: "If you don't...I'll kill this boy!!"

Chidori: "Shouta!!"

Aya: It's because of my blood... My Tennyo blood. I can watch, but I can't do anything.

[Back by the stairs, Yuuhi shields himself from the explosion of the wall behind him.]

Kumi: "Please, don't run away."

Page 164
Kumi: "I'm not doing this on purpose."

Kumi: "Everything around me is breaking... It's not by my will..."

Kumi: "And before, I killed---I'm scared... I can't handle this."

Kumi: "Please, help me!!"

[Kumi walks toward Yuuhi with her hand pointing at him. Yuuhi is being pushed back against the wall by a strong force.]

Yuuhi: "It's... it's no use. I can't take this anymore..."

[Tooya shows up with his dagger.]

Page 165
[The dagger strikes Kumi's temple.]

Yuuhi: ?!

[Kumi falls.]

Yuuhi: "Too... ya?!"

[Tooya has caught Kumi before she collapses on the ground.]

Page 166
Yuuhi: "Di... did you kill her?!"

Tooya: "Of course not... I just made her unconsicous so I can catch her."

Yuuhi: "Then... that girl is..."

Tooya: "...She was one of the patients who swallowed the drug and we have been studying... The Mikage family faked the news of the germs in Tochigi and distributed the drugs to everyone."

Tooya: "There are C-Genes inside of her. If she reacts to it and refuses it, she dies... But it looks like this girl won the battle against it."

Yuuhi: "Shouta... That's right, Shouta's in danger."

[Yuuhi rushes off.] Tooya: !!

Page 167
[As he is watching Yuuhi going up the stairs, Tooya remembers Shouta's words.]

Shouta: [I'll be your friend... Then you won't have to be alone.]

Tooya: "...Shouta."

[Tooya gets up and starts to follow Yuuhi. A chain shoots out of nowhere and gets hold of Tooya's wrist.]

Tooya: "A chain...?!"


Nurse #1: "---And where are you going, Kiritani-sensei?"

Nurse #2: "Your job is capturing the Tennyo."

Page 168
Nurse #1: "If you do anything funny..."

Nurse #2: "You'll be a "traitor", Tooya-san."

Nurse #1: "You still want to live, don't you?"

Tooya: "...I see."

Tooya: "So I was also under observation."

[On top of a small building at the rooftop, a man dressed as a doctor speaks into a cellphone as he watches Chidori's transformation.]

Yamamine: "Yes? This is Yamamine. I think I've found another C-Genoma. Shouta's sister transformed! Another C-Genoma, Yoshizuka, is here, too."

Page 169
Yamamine: "Kuruma Chidori is a C-Genoma. A change in her cells has appeared. She has completely conformed to her new shape. Seize her!!"

Chidori: "Shouta!!"

Shouta: "O... ne... cha..."

Yoshizuka: "Hurry up and answer!!"

[The concrete beneath Yoshizuka's feet slowly crumbles.]

Chidori: "Stop it!!"

Page 170
[Electricity hurts Yoshizuka's hand.]

Yoshizuka: "Waaahhh!!!"

[Yoshizuka falls down the hole and drops Shouta.]

[Yuuhi manages to catch Shouta before he falls like Yoshizuka.]

Page 171
Aya: "Yuuhi..."

[Chidori's knees buckle and she falls to her knees.]

Chidori: "...What in the world did I..."

[A chain wraps itself onto Chidori.]

Chidori: "---!?"

Page 172
[Tooya is holding the chain.]

Aya: "Too... ya!"

[Shouta opens his eyes.]

Tooya: "I'm taking this girl back with me."

Nurse #1 [giggling]: "Come, Tooya-san, please finish your job."

Nurse #2 [giggling]: "...to get the things you desire."

Page 173
Chidori: "Whaaaat... are you doing?!"

[Chidori turns and blasts electricity at Tooya. There seems to be a barrier around Tooya and he is not hurt.]

Chidori: "Hu... h? Nothing happened to him."

[Aya stands up.]

Aya: "...Tooya."

Aya: "If you keep on doing what the Mikages want, you'll just feel bad. Even without your memories... you're still Tooya!"

Page 174
Aya: "I don't want you to keep showing me a sad face... I don't care what you are! ...If you think you have to do your job, then you should capture me!!"

Shouta: "Sensei!!"

Yuuhi: "Sho... Shouta?"

[Shouta tries to reach Tooya.]

Shouta: "I'm sorry!! I'll keep on trying!! I'll listen to what you told me!!"

Shouta: "I won't keep running away... So don't take my sister away!!"

Page 175
[Shouta falls and hits the ground.]

Yuuhi: "Shouta."

[Yuuhi tries to pull him up, but Shouta just waves him away.]

Shouta: "I'm fine!!"

Chidori: "Shouta..."

[Shouta tries to move towards Tooya and Chidori.]

Chidori: "...Shoutaa!!"

Page 176
[The chains on Chidori come loose.]

Chidori: !

[The nurses hiding behind the walls are surprised.]

Nurse: !!

Yamamine [reaching inside his cloak for a gun]: "Shit!"

[Yamamine points the gun at Tooya. Tooya flips the chain at him.]

Page 177
[Yamamine is hit by electricity.]

Doctor-guy: "Ahhh!!"

Chidori: "Shouta!!"

[Shouta reaches his wheelchair. He pulls himself up.]

Shouta: "Da..."

Shouta: "DAMNITTT!!"

Page 178
[Shouta stands up on his feet... then falls down on his butt.]

Shouta: "...Onee... cha... Sensei..."

Shouta: "Just now... I stood up!!"

Page 179
Shouta: "All by myself!!"

Chidori: "Um... hm... yes, yes, I saw...."

Chidori: "You did it... Shouta!!"

[Tooya turns away.]

Aya: "Ah..."

Tooya: "Shouta will walk again soon."

Tooya: "I guarantee it....."

Tooya: ...as his friend...

[Tooya leaves them and goes down the stairs.]

Aya: "Tooya..."

Page 180
Aya: why---

[Chidori hugs Shouta.]

Chidori: "Shouta!!"

Shouta: "Onee-chan!"

Chidori: "Thank God!! ...Thank..."

Yuuhi: "...What a big surprise. Chidori transforming... then she's a C-Genoma..."

Yuuhi: "Ah!"

Chidori: "AH!"

[Yuuhi and Aya are caught off guard by Chidori's outburst.]

[A normal Chidori sits on the ground.]

Chidori [whining]: "I'm back to normaaal."

Page 181
[Somewhere in the Mikage family. In a private room.]

Intercom: "...yama-san."

[Kumi opens her eyes.]

Intercom: "Akiyama Kumi-san..."

Kumi: "Where am I...? This isn't the hospital...?"

[Kumi sits up in bed.]

Intercom: "Don't worry... There is nothing to be afraid of. You are one of the chosen C-Genoma."

Page 182
Kumi: "C...? 'Chosen one'?"

[A lady--Gladys--is looking at Yumi by means of a big screen.]

Gladys: "That's right... That power is by that mark--you got your power from your ancestors."

Gladys: "In this institution are others like you who are under our care and protection."

Gladys: "You were chosen from the heavens... You are here to create a new age--"

Gladys: "All your hidden pain has been taken away."

Gladys: "So... lie down... and take a little rest."

[Gladys turns to talk to someone behind her.]
Gladys: "Chief, this makes six Tennyo we've found in the entire nation."

Page 183
Kagami: "But Chidori Kuruma is a special case. Other than Aya, there have been no earlier cases of anyone who is able to change their cells when transforming into Tennyo."

Gladys: "The other 6 C-Genoma we have with us may show the same transformation later."

Kagami: "Chidori Kuruma and Ceres will fall into our hands eventually."

Kagami: "But before that, I have to think about what to do with Tooya--

Page 184
[A doctor is helping Shouta excecising. Aya, Yuuhi, and Kyuu-chan look on.]

Doctor: "Okay, Shouta-kun, now the right leg..."

Doctor: "One-two, one-two..."

Doctor: "Okay! Now try it on your own!!"

Yuuhi: "...So as it turns out, Shouta wasn't a C-Genoma after all."

Aya: "Yeah... I'm glad.... Just that boy--because he wants to become a pilot."

Yuuhi: "Huh?"

Page 185
Yuuhi: "Where's your choker? The cross-shaped one..."

Aya: "Yeah! I can't find it!! I really liked it, too."

Kyuu: "What about Chidori-san? Is she gone, too?"

Chidori: "Hello!! Sorry to keep you waiting!"

[Chidori shows up with a packed bag.]

Aya/Yuuhi: "What?!"

Chidori: "Now I may be under attack by the Mikage, right? My power is awakened, so I have to go work with you guys now."

Aya: "Buuuut!! What about Shouta--?"

Shouta: "I told her to go!"

Page 186
Shouta: "I'll be okay by myself!"

Shouta: "Take care of my sister!"

[Yuuhi, Aya, and Kyuu-chan are stunned while Chidori happily nods to herself.]

Chidori: "Yeah, yeah... I already told Grampa and Granma! With my changing form, I can't lead a normal life! I want to thank you somehow for helping Shouta!"

Aya: "But... There's school to consider!! You're still in grade school!"

Chidori: "But I'm in HIGH SCHOOL..."

[Aya, Yuuhi, and Kyuu-chan all fall backward.]

Aya/Yuuhi/Kyuu: "N--"

Page 187
Aya/Yuuhi/Kyuu: "NO WAY!!!"

Chidori: "It's true!"

Chidori: "Here's my school notebook and a picture! I thought I'd need these as proof..."

[Chidori shows Aya her picture. In the picture, Chidori is standing with three other girls in front of a high school. They are all wearing the same uniform.]

Chidori: "Ne, Yuuhi-kun! That's why I said I could be your girlfriend!"

Chidori [super-sweet tone]: "Let's be frieeends from now on!"

[Yuuhi and Aya are in shock.]

Yuuhi: "She's our age...?"

Aya: "Really?"

Continued in Volume 5...

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translation by Joy, 1999
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