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    image policy

most of my images are scans of yuu watase's artwork, so obviously i didn't draw them myself. therefore i have no claim to copyright on them. with that being said, i do spend a rather painstaking amount of time collecting and scanning these pictures, and i put them up here for your enjoyment. i don't mind if you take them, and i don't mind if you use them to make buttons, graphics, etc for your web page--but i only ask three things:
  • let me know. i'm not going to say no, it's just the principle of the thing. my email address is all over this site, so there's no excuse for not knowing it. plus, it's a good habit to get into.
  • if you use the images, credit your source. you don't have to put flashing banners all over your site. ^_~ i just ask that you mention your source somewhere. a link would be nice, too. again, it's just a good, polite habit to get into.
  • please don't repost in your own gallery. have you ever noticed that half of the image galleries for any given series out there have the exact same content? many of them, sadly, just copy each other, and there's really no point to more than one of them existing. i don't mind if you use the images to make logos, buttons, etc, but please do not just repost them in your own image gallery.
these rules do not apply to fanart. always assume that you're not permitted to do anything with fanart without explicit permission from the individual artist.

ayashi.net web design, graphics, and content © 1999 brandon bannerman unless otherwise noted--see legal page.