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    how to link to ayashi.net

so you'd like to link to us here at ayashi.net? great! we won't argue. ayashi.net has a completely link-free policy. that means you don't have to ask or tell us in order to link, although we'd like it if you did--especially if you have an ayashi no ceres page of your own that you'd like us to link to. ^v^

although we're more than happy with a text link, we have several graphical banners you can use if you don't want to make your own. they range from minimal and tiny, to flashy and animated (and high-bandwidth!). feel free to use them without restriction--the only thing we ask is that you save them on your own site, and not link directly to the images on ours. if you're using a windows machine, you can do this by right-clicking on the image, and selecting save as or save location. on a macintosh machine, you hold down the control key while clicking on the link instead of right-clicking.

ayashibanner88.jpg :: 2k, 88x31

<a href="http://ayashi.net">
<img src="ayashibanner88.jpg" 
	alt="ayashi no ceres translation project :: http://ayashi.net" 
buttonayashi.gif :: 3k, 88x31 (thanks to rei angel for this cute one ^v^)

<a href="http://ayashi.net">
<img src="buttonayashi.gif" 
	alt="ayashi no ceres translation project :: http://ayashi.net" 
ayashibanner200.jpg :: 5k, 200x40

<a href="http://ayashi.net">
<img src="ayashibanner200.jpg" 
	alt="ayashi no ceres translation project :: http://ayashi.net" 
anetbanner_hbani2.gif :: 97k, 326x80 (bandwidth-intensive!)

<a href="http://ayashi.net">
<img src="anetbanner_hbani2.gif" 
	alt="ayashi no ceres translation project :: http://ayashi.net" 
anctp.jpg :: 15k, 370x130

<a href="http://ayashi.net">
<img src="anctp.jpg" 
	alt="ayashi no ceres translation project :: http://ayashi.net" 
ayashi.net supports the favorites icon feature of internet explorer 5. If you want to use our icon in your favorites menu and it doesn't enable automatically, you can download it at http://ayashi.net/favicon.ico.

ayashi.net web design, graphics, and content © 1999 brandon bannerman unless otherwise noted--see legal page.