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watase-sensei needs your help!

ayashi no ceres is a rich, indepth series that spans 14 manga volumes. despite the fact that fushigi yuugi, which ran the same length, required more than 50 anime episodes to do it justice, there are currently only 24 episodes planned for ayashi no ceres. this means that either the series will be cut short, or it will be chopped up to make it fit. either possibility would be the worst kind of travesty, and would trivialize the rich plot and character development within the series.

no one is more upset about this than yuu watase, who created ayashi no ceres! ayashi no ceres needs the help of every last one of its fans. first of all, please visit the following site and sign the petition guestbook:


second of all, please email studio pierrot (funlink@pierrot.co.jp and bandai visual (mailto:webmaster@visual.bandai.co.jp) and (politely, please) express your support for watase-sensei, and how much you'd like to see ayashi no ceres extended.

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