
Galaxy Express 999


The FAQ!




Character Gallery



On Video

CDs and LDs

Arcadia Shop

Main Theme

TV Themes

Windows Wallpaper

Trading Forum

Prodigy Friends

Cristian Redferne


Queen Emeraldas Tape Exchange

Fill out the following form to be added to the Tape Exchange list. *This is the exchange page!!* If you don't have anything to trade your name will NOT be added to the list. Instead it is up to you to contact those offering tapes and work something out. This way I avoid having a huge, useless list of mostly people who want tapes with nothing to offer.




What is the title of your homepage: 

How did you find us?: 

 Where are you from?: 

Check here if you would like this to be a private message!
What Captain Harlock or GE999 shows do you have for trade and what Captain Harlock or GE999 shows are you looking for:


Disclaimer: Captain Harlock is a trademark of Toei animation. I am not affiliated with Toei nor do I profit from this work. It's a fan thing, ya know..."Harlock's Arcadia-The Captain Harlock Home Pages" is an on-line non-profit information source intended to further interest in Space Pirate Captain Harlock, and to benefit the fans and trademark licencers. All pages are the property of Cristian R.. I acknowledge all copyright holders listed and unlisted (if unknown) for their source material: Toei Animation, Malibu Graphics, F.H.E., AnimEigo, Voyager Entertainment, Viz Video, Bandai, Medcom and Columbia Nippon.
This page copyright 1996 Cristian R.