Gundam Video I Gundam Models I Reference Books
Gundam GoodsThis section of the Gundam Project is devoted to merchandise of all kinds - video, audio, books, comics, and of course those fabulous kits. Until 1998 no Gundam animation, and only a handful of spinoff items, had seen commercial release in the U.S. Our selection of domestic Gundam merchandise is thus fairly modest. The only legal way to get your mitts on Gundam titles that have yet to be released domestically is to purchase or rent them in untranslated import form. These, and other imported merchandise like books and compact discs, can be purchased from Japanese animation specialty stores or special-ordered from Japanese video, music and book stores. Gundam Goods NewsOur selection of noteworthy upcoming merchandise, from the U.S. and Japan. Domestic Gundam GoodsGundam videos, comics, and games that have been officially released in North America. Gundam Video I: One Year War