IntroductionWelcome to the Gundam Project! This World Wide Web site is dedicated to the fabulous Japanese animated science fiction epic Mobile Suit Gundam. Our aim is to provide both a gentle introduction to the mysteries of Gundam for the timid newcomer, and a comprehensive information source for the hard-core fan. Now, a word about our subject. Twenty years after the debut of the original Mobile Suit Gundam television series - its official anniversary was April 7, 1999 - the Gundam saga has evolved into a sprawling epic nearly beyond the ability of mortal mind to fathom. At present, it encompasses eight television series, eight movies, and four original video series; it would take you a full week to watch the whole saga, without sleep or bathroom breaks. It's spawned countless novels and comics, a model kit franchise that's virtually an entire industry in itself, video games, collectible leather jackets, and at least three separate alternate universes. And it's still going strong! In Japan, Gundam's immense popularity has lasted for two decades. In the United States, where it's only just seen its first official release, it's virtually unknown; even among the subculture of Japanese animation fandom, it's essentially a cult classic. But with its heady mix of convoluted politics, fantastic technology, high melodrama, and moral ambiguity, Gundam's appeal can easily transcend the boundaries of language and limited availability. Well, that's about enough of the chit-chat for now; it's time I let you loose to explore the site. If you're new to the Gundam experience, you might start with the plot synopses in the Works section. If you're looking for some time-wasting background reading, try the Gundam World section, and take a look at our MS Classics lineup while you're at it. And when you're done here, consult the Links listings for more online Gundam fun! Mark Simmons P.S. In response to one of the most common requests I've received from site visitors: I won't be posting scanned images of any kind, including mobile suit line art, in order to avoid infringing on the creators' copyrights. For images of mobile suits, you can either visit Burke Rukes's Mecha Domain site, or invest in a copy of the new MS Encyclopedia (ISBN4-07-308519-0, ¥1900, published by Mediaworks). |