
   The Card Captor Sakura manga (by the all-female group CLAMP) was serialized in Kodansha's monthly shojo magazine Nakayoshi from June 1996 to August 2000, and collected in 12 tankobon. The first part of the series, which saw Sakura collecting all the missing Clow Cards, ended with vol 6. The so-called "Sakura Cards" series is covered by vol. 7-12. Each volume has about 188 pages and contains a cute Clow Card-shaped bookmark, each featuring a different character from the series.

:: NEW!! :: ~ CCS last episode!! ~ Woohoo! Satchan brought me that Nakayoshi issue with the final episode of CCS!^^ And here it is, now, each and every page scanned by yours truly. ^_^V

   Western editions:
*Italy ::  Star Comics is serializing the CCS manga in monthly monographic volumes just the size of the Japanese tankobôn (approx. 11.5 X 17.5cm, 192 page). The translation is not too bad, and quite faithful to the original, though the artwork has been reversed to match western left-to-right reading, there is no character card enclosed and the color illustrations are reproduced in black&white.
*France :: CCS is serialized by MSE in cute volumes, pretty much identical to the Japanese edition. They even feature the Clow Card-bookmark. [THX to Françoise for the info] Yet, the translations seem to sorta 'ease' some aspects of the series.
*US ::
The manga is published by Mixx Entertainment in the U.S.A and Canada as a monthly. And we all know how bad Mixx editions can be... -_-
*Germany :: The CCS manga is said to be launched just after (or before? I can't remember...) the TV airing of the series.
