
   The still running CCS anime series has been serialized in Japan since April 7th 1998. So far, it's made up of two series. The first one, the "Clow Card series", covered the first 2 seasons of serialization, going from ep. 1 to ep 46. The 47th episode (aired on Sept 7, 1999) introduced the new storyline, the "Sakura Cards series", which starts with the events taking place in vol. 7 of the manga.

     Western editions:
*France :: After some re-rums of the first series, Fox Kids has finally bought the second series as well (the 'Sakura Cards' one) The series is uncensored, but the characters names have been changed into French ones (except for Sakura, Kerberos and Yoshiyuki Terada). Also there's no opening song or ending, and Kero-chan ni Omakase has been cutted to. [thx to Rinoa Heartilly for the info]
*Italy :: Episodes 1-36 were broadcasted by Mediaset/Italia1 between September and December 1999. It seems they're currently dubbing the second and third seasons of the show. As a whole, the series was just slightly edited, with no major cuttings, though Shaoran's crush for Yukito has been 'dismissed' -_- All of the cast kept their original Japanese names, except for Kerberos (who's only referrred to as Kero-chan), Yukito (who became Yuki) and Touya (for 'euphonical' reasons he's been re-named Toi). There's no trace of the Japanese opening and ending themes, both audio and video, which have been replaced by a (crappy) Italian song; nor the Kero-chan's Check at the end of each episode.
*Spain ::  both the 1st and 2nd season of the CCS anime has been aired by Canal 2 Andalucía, with the title of "Sakura, cazadora de cartas". According to the info Jesus Ledo Garcia has kindly sent (thanks!^^), the Spanish version must be pretty good: it's completely unedited, with no changes in names and storyline, even the soundtrack wasn't modified at all, including the three different opening and ending themes. Sadly, the signal to Canal 2 covers only the South of the country.
*Germany :: The CCS anime series is said to be aired in Germany by the end of Y2K.
*US :: The tv series's been bought by Nelvana Entertainment and currently aired by WB. The series was literally butchered. Names, setting, music, dialogues, character psychologies and interactions, even the very order of episodes... *everything* was changed. If you're in the US, got hooked by that "Cardcaptors" thing and are reading this... well, let me tell you: that is NOT Card Captor Sakura. 

     A Card Captor Sakura movie played in Japanese movie theaters from August 21 to September 10, 1999. The story is settled in Hong Kong, where Sakura, Tomoyo, Touya and Yukito are on a prize-trip. You can see a detailed summary of the movie at Hitoshi doi's Card Captor Sakura .

    A second movie came out this summer, but gomen! I couldn't put together any info/synopsis yet. ^^;;

*episodes list & synopsis *seiyuu
*screenshots *la versione italiana
