ne, what's new?!


10.08.2000 ~ Revised the links.

10.05.2000 ~ Yatta! R'sCCS celebrates 30,000 hits! *^^* Wow, that was fast... @.@ ... much faster than I expected, actually. ^^;; I've put together a bunch of new stuff (not much, in fact) for the... a-ehm... "event". Id est:
� a new winamp skin (if you've visited *losteyes* you might know it already, though ^^;;)
� a new gallery, with scan fom a CCS coloring book
screenshots from the first CCS movie and the 3rd opening
I've taken down the awards page: sorry, but I need space and that page was quite useless. v_v

10.03.2000 ~ Added a couple pf links and the cover to tankobon 12. So, CCS is really truely definitely over now. *Sniffle*... I think I'll miss it a little bit... *wipes away a teardrop*...
Byt HEY! This humble page of mine has been up for over a year now! Wow! *^__^* And we're getting nearer and nearer to the 30,000th hit. �O� That's quite... uhm... unbelievable. ^^;;
Well, I guess I'll really have to do something to celebrate it. Some massive updates? Geez, I'm feeling quite bad for not updating this page as much as I used to. Am I not taking enough care of it? Oh, I'm so bad. Maybe... well, it's just that I'm currently focusing more on *losteyes* and WRp in general. But I'll try and do something new for R'sCCS, too. ^_^v
  I saw there's a new collection of CCS trading cards around. Nh, should get a hold of it and put up some info about that, too. I also have some new songs to upload: I finally got a new CR-rom drive, and I can encode mp3's again: yay! ^_^

09.14.2000 ~ I can't believe it. I'm *actually* updating this page! �O� *Sniffle*, I know I've neglected my little CCS sitey lately... ;_; I've had some new stuff ready to be uploaded for quite a while now, but for some strange reason I never got to. The other sites @ WRp took most of my time & attention, but it is about time I get back to my very first webpage ever, ne? ;)
What's new, then? Well...
� info on the western releases of CCS has been updated in the anime section
� the scans from the final episode of the CCS manga (ALL of it! ^_^v) are up in the manga section
� info on the CCS collector cards series added to the stuff/merchandise section
� new wallpapers!!! arigato gozaimasu to Jenna! ^^
� the cover of the 4th CCS OST and some new music downloads are up in the music page
... gee, I guess that's all. ^_^
Next update: something soft (I'm tired... -_-) ... dunno... revising character profiles?

08.24.2000 ~ *Phew* Finally, all of R'sCCS has been re-uploaded to the new server! ^^ Welcome to, minna-san! *happy dance* ^^
Yet... uhm... still no traces of those many updates I had promised. *guilty look* Gomen nasai, I had way too much work to do with the new layout for WRp, the new skins @ Lost Eyes, the DN Angel webring and blah blah blah... -_-
Anyway, if you take a look @ the CCS Best Collection page in the music section, you'll find out two new downloads.^^ And more to come.... (I finally got my hands on the Best Collection CD and the CCS OST4: yayyy!^^)
Next update: CCS trading cards (I hope)

07.16.00 ~ A new affiliate! Yay!^^ Well, this will be the last update for at least 2 weeks, as tomorrow I'm leaving for a fortnight trip to the Alps. So, don't be surprised if I don't answer your mails in the meantime, K? ^__~
When I'm back, be sure that I'll finally add the missing sections and some more goodies! ^_^ Oh, and for those who might be interested, the 3rd ending and opening themes of the CCS anime series are uploaded to my brand new music downloads site, �Ongaku!^^
Bai bai people, and enjoy your summer! ^__^


07.02.00 ~ Ano... a lot has happened lately, uh? CCS is now on air in the US, too, with the title of "Card Captors". Ne, sadly, the title isn't the only thing that has been changed... -_- Nelvana butchered the series into some real bad thing. NE-way, I'm *not* in the US rite now, I *haven't* actually seen any episode of "Card Captors" and thus I won't babble any longer 'bout this big mess. Possibly, I'll add a review of the American adaptation of CCS later on.
So, NEWS! NEWS! Mmh... not much, in fact.
� I joined Mae-chan's support campaign for Touya and Yukito. ^_^ *Giggles*... I wonder how all those newbies that got into "Card Captors" (YUCK! :P) will take fan speculation on the two of them... *giggles*...
� Waaaah! The CCS manga is finished!! The final episode was published in the last Nakayoshi issue. Can't wait to actually see it!! (*sniffle*... and I'll have to wait for the tankobon! *aaargh!*) I'll definitely start writing those manga synopsis ASAP!
� As many foresaw, since the US airing of the TV series *a lot* of CCS webpages have been growing out like weed everywhere. Mmmh. That would be cool, if only most of those sites weren't... well... so 'mainstream', so 'Card Captors-oriented'. ... o_O;; ... K, so flame me now!^^
� An affiliate and some new topsites are in the main page
Forum!! I put up a new message board at WRp, and there's a forum for R'CCS, too! *^_^*
� I scanned a little CCS coloring book... Gonna upload it as soon as I'm done with the usual maintenance of WRp and *lost eyes*

06.03.00 ~ Quick & tiny update: first of all *behold!* Ruby's Card Captor Sakura is CCLE's pick of the month! *WHOA!* Ne, for those who might not know, CCLE stands for Card Captor Link Exchange, a cool CCS initiative and webpage run by Hikaru-san (you can visit the site by clicking HERE). You know that big ever-changing banner in the links page? Well, that's CCLE. ^_^ So, I have this new, neat award to proudly display in my awards page.^^ Go take a look!
Besides that, no major updates. I've fixed the links to the old guestbook (now you should be able to *read* it, not *sign* it! ^O^ *lol*), and joined the Animelab sites listing to get some more pubblicity... ^_* Please, remember to rate this site (use that little java script thingy in the main page, please), so that it can get some visibility, k? ^__*

05.30.00 ~ Aiyaah! Darn Tripod suddenly deleted my account, sending offline most of my webpages.. �_� *grrrr*... So, I'm so sorry people if you tried to access this page and got a 404 error instead. *Sigh* Well, the site is back you see.^^ The worst comes now: I have to let people know the page's here. ^_^;; *hysterical laugh*
Ne, at least it seems I've found a quite more reliable server, even though this'll probably be a temporary move. NE-way, finally I can get all the space I need, so expect the screencaps, trading cards and  replay quiz page to be added soon!^^ Together with some new stuff I've been collecting lately... *giggles*. And yeah, I'll start working again on the episodes and manga synopsis asap. ^^

05.23.00 ~ Some update, at last!^^ I'm sooo~ sorry I can't update this page often, but these day the winamp skins page I co-own with Satchan drains all my spare time... -_- (BTW, if you wanna take a look - and I *know* you want! *wink*wink*- follow THIS link: we have *a lot* of new CCS skins!^^)
Well well. What news do we have here? First of all, there's a whole NEW GUESTBOOK!! So, go & sign it, please, dun leave it so awfully blank, K? ^_~ Oh, and of course you can still read the old one. And a new counter has joined the crew as well: I was really sick and tired with that crappy Bravenet pseudo-counter that went offline every now and now �_� ~ I finally added the CCS Best Collection CD to the music page: domo arigato to Diana-san, who mailed me all the info about it. *bow*bow* ~ Then, this page's joined a new, neat Topsites: vote for us, doozo!^^ ~ I was invited to join the Topsites by this new, great CCS site, Sakura Star - it's added to the links page, too. Go pay a visit, K? ^_*
in progress :: I'm gonna add some more mp3's and pics, including the info on the CCS trading cards series and quiz book. Yeah, I *promise* I'll upload it all asap!^^ Only... well, if I found some *good* server to host this site everything would be *much* easier. ^_^;;

04.25.00 ~ The new page is ready! Yay!^^ What's new, then? The layout, but you saw that already, ne? ^__~ New pics are added to the gallery, including a brand new fanarts page. More song lyrics and mp3's in the music section. Updated skins (BTW, go see our new winamp skins page!!! Click here!^^) New links and banners. Updated anime & manga sections.... & more! Just mess around and see!^^

click here to see older entries
