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Frequently Asked Questions

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This pages contains links to all the FAQ pages on The purpose of these pages is to answer Frequently Asked Questions about Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki, and Isao Takahata, and to address questions about their works and colleagues. We've taken the most common questions we get, answered them, and compiled all of that here for your convenience.

If you still have questions after reading all of the information here, please contact us and we'll be happy to address your question.


The Latest Scoop

The Company



Shopping and Contact Info

This FAQ was created by Team Ghiblink with help and input from members of the Miyazaki Mailing List, including the following people: Vincenzo Beretta, Kevin Bjorke, Shun Chan, James Chao, Chulho Yang, Steve Ehlers, Atsushi Fukumoto, Deborah Goldsmith, Jorge Hernandez, Michael Johnson, Marc Hairston, Jerry Hsu, Tyler King, LAU Wai-yin, Joe Monson, Jeffry Roberts, Taro Rehrl, Brian Stacy, and Ryoko Toyama.

If you have corrections, or more information that this FAQ might be missing, please send it to us.

These pages brought to you by Team Ghiblink.