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#174--Gakuen ni Fuku Arashi! Tenkousei wa Idol

· Victim-of-the-Day: Kayama Yuji [Sailor Guts]

Major Plot Points:
· Three Lights go to Juuban High School
· Ginga Television shown first time
· Sailor Galaxia introduced
· The Inner Soldiers find out about the new enemy and the Sailor Starlights
· Star Gentle Uterus used for first time

[End Eyecatch]

Inside a gymnasium, tons of girls are screaming as Seiya is playing basketball. Yaten and Taiki are in the stands with Usagi, Makoto, Ami, and Minako.

Minako: Seiya-san! Go for it!

Opponent: Get through, if you can!

Seiya: Fool.

Opponent: What?

Taiki: He's making fun of him!

Yaten: Seiya is such a kid!

Taiki: [giggles]

Seiya: [goes past Opponent and dunks the basketball through the net]

Minako: [hugs Ami] Great!

Makoto: Cool!

Rei: [pops up from out of nowhere] He's really great!

Usagi, Makoto, Ami, Minako [surprised]: Rei-chan!

Usagi: How come you're here?

Rei: I ran here from school.

Yaten: No more! I don't want to be here any longer! It smells like sweat!

Taiki: I agree. I prefer cultural clubs to such a place.

Yaten: I don't like cultural clubs, either! I'll go home. [leaves]

Minako: [jumps on Taiki] That's right!

Taiki: [sweatdrops]

Minako: An intellectual person like you fits into cultural clubs, fon't you, Taiki? [remembers she's on the volleyball club] Sports clubs smell like sweat! I, Aino Minako, am knowledgable with cultural clubs and will show you around!

Taiki: I can go by myself...

Minako: [in a freaky voice] I... will... show... you! [back to normal] Now, let's go! Let's go! [to herself] I got one of them!

Rei: Minako-chan is incredible.

Ami: Other fans hesitate to approach them at school...

Makoto: I wish I could...

Seiya: Hey! Odango!

Usagi [angry]: As I told you, I'm not an odango!

Seiya: Sorry about that! Where are we going next?

Usagi: I just don't know!

Rei, Ami, Makoto: Usagi-chan!

Rei [angry]: With our idol...

Ami [angry]: ...Seiya-san...

Makoto [angry]: ...you can't talk like that!

Ami [embarassed]: Oh! I don't know much about him, though...

The scene switches to outside the school where the football field is.

Usagi: Next, the American style football team.

Seiya: It perfectly matches a cool man like man, doesn't it?

Usagi: [sweatdrops] I don't know!

A football goes flying and lands by Seiya.

Seiya: [picks up football] My chance!

Usagi: Hey! What are you going to do?

Seiya: You'd like to see a touchdown, right?

Usagi: That's impossible! The football team at Juuban High School is strong...

Seiya: I'll show it to you! [runs into the field and keeps narrowly missing the other players]

Player: [goes for Seiya and misses] Oh? Something interesting is coming!

Seiya: [sees end zone] I got it!

Player: [hits Seiya]

Seiya [to himself]: It can't be! [falls onto ground]

Crowd: [shrieks]

Usagi: Seiya! [runs to Seiya and looks at player] Hey, you! What are you thinking? You've tackled an amateur who's not wearing protection...

Player: [starts to put out hand]

Usagi [scared]: What? Violence...?

Seiya: [holds out hand and shakes player's hand]

Player: Captain Kayama.

Seiya: You're a big man! Incredible power!

Kayama: You did well against our team!

Seiya: If you see it as just following and passing it through, it's not a big thing!

Kayama: How do you feel about joining us?

Seiya: Sure!

Usagi: [runs up to Seiya and Kayama] Why do you want to get together with such a wild man?

Seiya: Odango, you'll never understand!

Kayama: Take it easy, Odango-kun.

Usagi: [grumbles]

A while later Kayama is running water from a faucet over his head. Suddenly he hears a noise.

Nezu: [comes out from bushes] What a good inspiration you have, Kayama-kun! You're shining! You're born as a perfect star for the American style football league!

Kayama: [blushes]

Nezu: My name is Nezu, a producer at Ginga Television. I want to gather your data.

Kayama: I'm having a meeting pretty soon. So next time...

Nezu: [grabs onto Kayama] How wonderful your muscles are! As expected, it's very attractive!

Kayama: [blushing] Please don't... Why don't you gather data later...?

Nezu: Oh, that's too bad! I've been waiting for you to be alone. I don't want to wait any longer! [moves back] Yes... I like where you're standing.

Kayama: Who are you?

Nezu: Me? I am... [transforms] Chuu!

Kayama [surprised and angry]: Damn monster! [runs to attack Iron Mouse]

The scene suddenly switches to Usagi getting shoes out of a locker. She hears Kayama yell and sees his starseed taken out.

Usagi: Moon Eternal, Make Up!

[Eternal Sailor Moon transformation]

Iron Mouse: [evil giggle]

[starseed turns black]

Iron Mouse: Oh dear... It's gone. Damn, it's not a starseed that I want!

Sailor Moon [off camera]: Stop right there!

Iron Mouse: [turns towards Sailor Moon]

Sailor Moon: I can't forgive you for disturbing a friendship between men! Agent of love and justice, pretty sailor soldier Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Iron Mouse: You again! Well, that's all right... Today's business is over!

Kayama: [begins transforming into a phage]

Sailor Moon [afraid]: Again?

Iron Mouse: For the rest of the time, please have fun with the phage! [steps into phonebooth] Later! [leaves]

Sailor Moon: Hey, wait...! Finish up your job before you leave!

Kayama: [finishes transformation]

Sailor Moon: I have a bad feeling... should I go home...?

Luna: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Luna!

Luna: Pull yourself together!

Sailor Moon: [points at Kayama] It seems to be very strong...

Kayama: Sailor Guts! [poses]

Sailor Moon: [holds nose] There it goes!

Luna: It looks very nasty!

Sailor Moon: It is, it is!

Sailor Guts: Men's attractiveness is... blood, sweat, and guts! Come get it! Youth's Perspiration Attack! [throws sweat globs (eww...) at Sailor Moon]

Sailor Moon: Ahh! [jumps out of the way while holding nose] Smells bad!

Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter Oak Evolution! [attack hits the globs]

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Sailor Jupiter: What is this?

Sailor Mercury: A new enemy?

Sailor Moon: It's Kayama Yuji of the American style football team!

Everyone: [sweatdrop] Ehh?!

Sailor Moon: He's been changed into a phage!

Sailor Guts: Come get it! Youth's Perspiration! [throws globs]

Everyone: [runs and screams]

Sailor Guts: [laughs] With that energy, go around the school yard ten times!

Everyone: No way!

Sailor Guts: Now, once again!

Suddenly, fingers snapping is heard.

Sailor Star Healer: Penetrating the darkness at night...

Sailor Star Maker: ...The air of freedom breaks through...

Sailor Star Fighter: ...We are the three sacred shooting stars. Sailor Star Fighter!

Sailor Star Maker: Sailor Star Maker!

Sailor Star Healer:
Sailor Star Healer!

All three: Sailor Starlights... are here!

Everyone [minus Moon]: New Sailor Soldiers?

Sailor Star Fighter: This time, we'll take care of you!

Sailor Guts: Guts! It's guts! [throws glob]

Sailor Star Maker: Star Gentle Uterus! [attacks]

Star Maker's attack hits the glob and causes it to burst onto Sailor Guts face, burning it.

Sailor Star Healer: All five of you couldn't do any better...

Sailor Star Fighter: Are you really Sailor Soldiers?

Sailor Star Maker: How impressive!

Sailor Star Fighter: [blinks signaling it's time to go]

Sailor Moon: Wait! Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss! [attacks]

Sailor Guts: Beautiful! [detransforms and gets his starseed back]

The Soldiers look back and see the Starlights are gone.

Sailor Jupiter: What was that, I wonder...?

Sailor Mars: They seem to be Sailor Soldiers...

Sailor Mercury: What's happeneing?

The scene switches to a while later. Usagi is sitting in Crown Fruit Parlor drawing on a paper.

Rei, Ami, Makoto, Mianko: [appear from the booth behind Usagi] Usagi-chan!

Minako: I heard you've joined the cartoon club!

Rei: Let us see! Let us see! [takes paper]

Usagi: Aaahh!

Makoto: Wow, it's cute!

Minako: Good work!

Usagi: [smiles and laughs]

Rei: A pig with a crescent bald patch is very unique!

Makoto: No! It's a raccoon dog!

Ami: All of them are not in kanji again!

Usagi: [expression changes from happy to ticked off]

Minako: Let's see... Isn't it a Tasmanian devil?

Usagi: [takes back paper] Can't you see? This is Luna!

Rei, Ami, Makoto, Mianko: Ehh?!

Usagi: Leave me alone!

[ED--Kaze mo Sora mo Kitto]



Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon SailorStars is (c)opyright Takeuchi Naoko, TOEI, and many others.

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