![]() Trixie Turnpike
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by Ryan Mathews
July 1997
First off, a quick word about last month's column. It seems a few people were a little cheesed-off about my comments regarding . Actually, I think that's kinda cool. Tells me people are actually reading my column. Hit counts only tell you who's looking, not necessarily who's paying attention. I find it a little odd that people would get upset over my putting-down of a site whose main purpose it is to put down other sites. Nevertheless, I apologize to those who thought the "Amazoness Quartet" were getting a raw deal. All I said was that I didn't find their site to be particularly entertaining. As to their providing a service by pointing out stinkers to avoid, I think a better service would be provided by highlighting sites that are worth visiting, which they do as well. Anyway, this is the second month that a link to their site has appeared at the top of my column, so at least they're getting publicity. I enjoy getting letters from readers, whether they're to compliment me on my superb writing style, or to tear me to pieces for being a talentless weenie. As an incentive, I'm planning to link a letters page off this column from time to time. So, if you'd like your opinions seen by thousands of AniPike readers, drop me a line at mathews1@ix.netcom.com. One thing I'd very much like from readers is suggestions for future topics. Future columns will tend to have more than one topic, since not every category will yield enough decent sites to make a column. For example, the planned topic for next month is anime convention sites, mainly since I will have just gotten back from Anime Expo and cons will be on my mind. However, I may have to pair that topic with another one, or else have a short column. Let me know what you'd like to see! Alright, enough babble. On to the reviews! Anime Web Turnpike © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved. Last Update: 6/30/97 |