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     t r a n s l a t i o n s :   v o l u m e   1

ISBN:  ISBN4-09- 136354-7
translator:  reika (reika@amuro.net)
homepage:  http://reika.dragonfire.net/ayashi/index.html

translations available:
part one (pp 3-43)
part two (pp 44-89)
part three (pp 90-129)
part four (pp 131-159)
part five (pp 160-end)
reika-chan was translating ayashi no ceres long before there was a "translation project". her translation of volume one is excellent. because reika needs the support of people like you to maintain her site, she requests that you visit her site first, which is why we do not host the translations locally here on ayashi.net. please pay her a visit!

stuff done by ”Lã 1999. please ask before taking.
[legal stuff]