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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 11 Translation (Part 3)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 68
[At a hospital, a figure walks down the hallway.]

Page 69
Doctor: "Come in. Your mother seems to be in a very good mood today. It's as though she knew that her SON was coming to see her today."

Figure: "Really?"

[He enters the room.]

Page 70
[There is a woman facing a wall, sitting on her bed.]

Figure: "Mom, it's me. It's Kagami. Usually I work on Saturdays too, but I got some time off today."

Page 71
Mother [mumbling]: "...Math's...100%... Literacy... 100%..."

Kagami [nearly talking to himself]: "...... I went to Germany. One of the investigators found a fossil of some sort... It's not as good as the arm that we got from Tango... But I think we can get some interesting results off it. We got some news from Greece and Borneo. If we have enough knowledge among our men, we might be able to make the hagoromo."

Page 72
//CLAP, CLAP (Screech)//

Mother: "I'm impressed Kagami! Your grades were perfect again! Kagami, you're a good boy, you're worth the name of Mikage. You--Mikages--are exceptional you know! They're perfect you know!"

Kagami: "She's the one who's perfect, mom"


Mother: "Exceptional... Perfect..."

Page 73
[Kagami takes out a photo of Ceres.]

Kagami: "... I was 5th Grade when I found this photo in the book storage room in the Mikage house. When my deceased grandpa was a child, a 16 year old girl turned into Ceres just like she did with Aya... Probably a member of the family took a photograph of it... The image of the Tennyo who was going to destroy the family... Then shot her dead immediately. After hearing these stories, I thought there was never a woman as great as her... Without telling you, mom I used to secretly imagine what she'd be like..."

Kagami: A woman with pride... The goddess of fury... A seductive girl... A grieving maiden.

Page 74
Kagami: A benevolent mother. "You wouldn't have known, thinking about her was... the best masturbation I ever had... And now, she has come back as my cousin, 'Aya Mikage'. Her grieving face, never changed... The C-project is for her. I want those perfect Tennyo's to recreate the world for us... She won't become a mother like you--no, I won't let it happen."

Page 75
Kagami: "With them, I will make 'the exceptional humans'. See you later... Mom."

Mother: "....."

Kagami: "-!"

Mother: "...Who... Are you?"

Page 76
Kagami: "...I don't know... I wonder who -?"

[Kagami is talking on a mobile phone in his car.]

Caller: "I'm sorry chief, bothering you on your day off..."

Kagami: "No............. OK. I'll come right away."

Caller: "And Aya and Tooya seemed to have headed towards Niigata... They were at the hospital visiting Aya's mother for a while though."

Kagami: "...Is Aya's mother still...?"

Caller: "Huh?"

Page 77
Kagami: "...No - Nothing... Keep an eye on them."

[Aya and Tooya arrive in Niigata at, Dr. Kurozuka's clinic.]

Aya: "This is...?"

Tooya: "... They took care of me for a while. They saved my life... I thought I should come to thank them... Then we have to think of where to stay... Sorry. We won't be able to settle in for a while, but..."

Aya: "that's OK."

Dr. Kurozuka: "AHHHHH!"

Page 78
Dr. Kurozuka: "Tooya! You...!"

Tooya: "Oh, hi."

Dr. Kurozuka: "You're OK!"

Nurse: "Dr! Please don't jump out of the window in the middle of an examination!!"

Dr. Kurozuka: "He's a patient too! [To Tooya.] I thought you'd be molded into a concrete block and sunk to the bottom of Tokyo Bay by now! So, were you able to meet your ANE-SAN (matron)!?"

Aya: "Hello."

Dr. Kurozuka: "...ANE-SAN?"

Aya: "Nearly...It's AYA-SAN."

Page 79
Dr. Kurozuka: [To Tooya.] "You laid your hands on a school girl!!"

Nurse: "Doctor!"

[In Dr. Kurozuka's house. The three are sitting down, talking.]

Dr. Kurozuka: "...You want to live together? ...Where?"

Tooya: "We're... Going to start looking for a place."

Dr. Kurozuka: "How about money? ...How are you going to support yourselves?"

Tooya: "If we can find a job..."

Page 80
Dr. Kurozuka: "...There aren't many places that will hire some one without an identification."

Aya: "I! ...Have some money saved in my account... And I'll work..."

Dr. Kurozuka: "This is the problem with young folks. You don't tell me your reasons, well that doesn't matter, but you're just going to start living together with no plans? Aya... Was it? How about your school and family...?"

Aya: "-Dad.... My father passed away. My mother has been and still is in a coma. We went to see her before we left Tokyo... I have a brother... but he's in a far away place..."

Page 81
Aya: "My family have all fallen apart... But there were people who protected me... Supported me. That's why I was able to survive... That's why... This time, I want to be able to support a person I care for..."

Page 82
Tooya: "Aya..."

Dr. Kurozuka [smiling]: "If you're not thinking that it's going to be like playing mums and dads, go ahead try it. Well, ...The room on the top floor is available!"

Tooya & Aya: "What?"

Tooya: "No... We didn't come here to bother you like that-"

Dr. Kurozuka: "Of course you can't stay here forever!"

Page 83
Dr. Kurozuka: "I'm only lending the room to you while your wounds heal and you find a place to live and a decent job! I mean I don't want you hanging about and flirting in front of me all day! [mumbles] I've been by myself in this house for 3 years now, so if you do the cooking and the laundry and the cleaning, I could let you stay for free..."

Aya: "Ah! I'll do it, though I'm crappy at it."

Dr. Kurozuka: "You're crappy at it?"

Aya: "Well. I think I got a bit better at the Aogiri house..."

Tooya: "Mr. Kurozuka. Why are you doing so much for us?"

Dr. Kurozuka: "... You... I have a son that went away with my ex-wife, and when I look at you, you..."

Page 84
Dr. Kurozuka: "... Don't reminds me of him at all. But I feel like you have a huge secret hidden in your lost memory that even you are not aware of. Well, I just want to know how it'll end. Anyway I am a kind of doctor who will look after his patients to the end! I mean you've got all these wounds again as well. You both seem you've put your lives on the line for love, which is kind of heavy..."

Page 85
Aya: (...our lives on the line...) Dr. Kurozuka: "... By the way, I wanted to ask you this before, but--what happened to my bike?"

Tooya: "..."

Dr. Kurozuka: "You'd better find a job even if it kills you!! Even if it takes you the rest of your life you better give me back the money for the bike and for treatment!!"

Aya: "Please Doctor! Don't be violent towards Tooya!"

Page 86
[In the room upstairs, Tooya and Aya enter.]

Aya: "Look, look Tooya! ... We can see the ocean from this window-"

Aya: "... Dr. Kurozuka talks rather rudely, but he's a really nice person."

Tooya: "...Yeah... But we'd better find somewhere quickly."

Aya: "Yes... I know... I'll come with you anywhere ...We're going to be together forever, aren't we? ...Forever..."

Page 87
Tooya: "...Yes ...I hope we can find the hagoromo in Niigata..."

Aya: "Yeah... We promised to mom, 'we will.' Didn't we?"

Aya: [remembering when her and Tooya were in the hospital next to her mother]: [Mom. This is him...Tooya. I've been telling you that I'll let you meet him. He's really important to me... So I'm going with him. I'm sorry... I won't be able to see you for a while...]

Page 88
Tooya: [putting his hand on Aya and mother's] [We will... Come and see you soon. I will look after Aya... Whatever happens-] Aya: ['!!'] Aya: [Comes out of the flash back.] "Mom... Held our hands... tight."

Page 89
Aya: "I've never had such a reaction ...I think she understands about you... I've become more convinced that she'll be back to normal... Aki too. So I'm sure that you'll regain your memory... too..."

[They kiss.]

Page 90
Aya: "We ...can't.... Doctor's... here."

Tooya: "...He's not. He said he's going to stay over at his friends house..."

Aya: "...! ...But you're...injured..."

Page 91
Aya: (I can hear the waves.)

Page 92
Aya: (I love you... Everything. Why only you? So much...)

Tooya: ('...The sound of the waves.' 'I remember something.' Rolling back and forth... And again...)

Page 93
Tooya: ('What's this memory?' Did I... Become one like this with someone before-? 'No... More- I feel like I became more one with something.' Melting into each other. Mixing in everything... deeply. 'I can't remember...')

Page 94
Tooya: (I don't know. But...)

Aya: "I don't want to be apart... Anymore... Don't... go away... Tooya...!"

Tooya: "Aya-..."

Page 95
Tooya: "..."

Tooya [remembering Dr. Kurozuka's words]: [You have a huge secret hidden in your lost memory that even you are not aware of.]

Tooya: "...I might be able to remember... This time..."

Continued in Part 4...

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translation by Emmy and Junko Abe, 2000
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