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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 12 Translation (Part 5)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 132
Aya: "Hey, Suzumi!! Don't leave it at that! Finish what you started! What happened to Tooya and Chidori?! What the hell happened?!"

Suzumi: "Aya...! You've got to be strong now... Chidori... Chidori is..."

Page 133
[Suzumi relates the news of Chidori's death to Aya, explaining.]

Aya: Chidori

Suzumi: "Tooya told me that he'd go and save them, and not to tell you about it. He also wanted to check on the progress the Mikage have on the restoration of the hagoromo."

Tooya [recalled by Suzumi]: [I found a clue about the hagoromo in Kanagawa...]
{Kanagawa is a prefecture next to Tokyo.}

Page 134
Suzumi: "Shouta... is safe. Tooya saved him... so I was told."

Aya [quietly]: "What about Tooya?"

[Suzumi seems unable to answer, tears coming freely.]

Aya: "Tell me..."

Suzumi: "They heard a gunshot while everything was winding down... they tried to reach him constantly, but didn't get a response... and nothing since..."

Page 135
Suzumi: "Even so, he must be fine. He's amazingly tough--"

[Suddenly, Aya doubles over in pain.]

Suzumi: "...Aya?!"

Aya: "...it... hurts..."

Page 136
Aya [screaming]: "...my... stomach...!!"

Suzumi: "Aya!! Wake up---!!"

[At Mikage International, Alec slams open a pair of doors with an agonized look on his face.]

Page 137
[Two men are wheeling a gurney with a bodybag on it.]

Man: "Doctor Howell?"

[Alec brushes the men away, and cautiously opens the end of the bag.]

Page 138
[Alec claps a hand over his mouth as he sees Tooya, covered in blood and dead of a gunshot wound in the forehead.]

Alec: "Tooya... lad, no... I canna believe... impossible... this is---horrible... too cruel!"
{Starting with this issue, I've had an interesting bit of assistance with Alec's parts... a net pen-pal in Scotland named Sam Rae, who gave me some pointers for giving Alec a "real" Scottish accent. Hope this adds to the enjoyment of the translation for you. ^v~}

Man: "May we proceed, Doctor Howell? I have to deliver this for the autopsy."

Page 139
Alec: "--!!"

Man: "It's a direct order from the Chief. After the autopsy, his tissue and the rest of the remains'll be kept as samples for further study."

Alec [clenching his fists]: "E'en aftar he's deid..."

[A strange but cute thingoid with antennae appears on Alec's shoulder.]

Alec [screaming]: "...THE CHIEF'S GOIN TAE KEEP ON USIN' IM?!?!"

Cute Thingoid: "AYE!"
{This thingoid must be an anime/manga reference of some sort, although neither Mari nor I recognized it. Actually, what it said here was 'DESHI', which is how the Japanese 'desu' always sounds with Alec's accent. Clearly it was imitating Alec, but it doesn't really translate, so... I made a judgement call and translated it as a somewhat cliche Scottish-ism.}

Men: "What the--"

[Score two for the cute thingoid as it deals an electric shock to the two poor lab techs.]

Page 140
[Cut to outside. Alec is racing away in a SUV along a dirt road.]

Alec: "It'll be awright, Tooya! I wullney let 'em tak ye apart peece be peece--!!"

Cute Thingoid: "Aye!"

[Alec looks in the side-view mirror... and sees black cars racing up behind him.]

Alec: "SHIT!!"
Page 141
Alec: "It's nay use!! I'll nivver manage tae get awa' like this...so..."

[Alec stops and carries Tooya's body to the edge of a cliff, overlooking the seashore.]

Alec: "I'm awfy sorry, Tooya!! If I canna get ye back tae Aya, at least...I'll tak ye tae the place you always had on yer mind..."

Page 142
Alec: ...tay the Sea!

[Tooya's body sails over the edge of the cliff, and splashes into the surf below. Meanwhile, in the Mikage building...]

Kagami: "I see... very well."

Page 143
Kagami: "So it's Alec, this time. Every fool with half a mind is doing their own thing today... Assam shot one of the C-Genoma, and Wei and Shiso killed Tooya!"

Man: "Chief, is it all right to keep Shiso sedated?"

Kagami: "Let him sleep for a while. It's rather unfortunate that he found out about the restoration of the hagoromo. According to Wei, he reverted to Aki for a moment... I guess the shock of killing Tooya called him back from his slumber."

Kagami: "Anyway... who were you really, Tooya... after all--"

[The phone rings on Kagami's desk. As he picks it up, he gets a look of astonishment.]

Page 144
Suzumi: "Aya, you--"

[Aya opens her eyes.]

Suzumi: "Aya! You're awake..."

Aya: "This place..."

Suzumi: "The obstetrics and gynecology department! I'm glad... I was worried that you'd had the same situation I did."

Aya: "Eh?"

Suzumi: "Your baby's all right. As we thought, you're pregnant. Three months pregnant, at that.

Page 145
Aya: ...my baby...

[Aya suddenly remembers Tooya... and what happened...]

Aya: ...TOOYA'S...

[Aya rolls over and begins sobbing.]

Suzumi: "Aya... Tooya has to be all right... the most important thing for you to think about right now is your baby..."


Aya: "...just leave me alone... please..." Tooya

Page 146
Aya: This morning... I saw him... in a sea of blood... stop giving me these bizarre dreams, Ceres! Say something... this can't be real!!

Aya: It's all lies, everything... I won't be deceived!

Aya: So... Chidori... hey, what are you doing? Why aren't you moving any more?

Page 147
Aya: Why... even though I've been waiting so long... why doesn't Tooya come back?

Shuro: "Is Aya still like that?"

Page 148
Yuuhi: "Yeah... it's been half a month since the funeral for Chidori and the others, but she's still pretty shaken over it. She's not eating properly. Me too..."

Yuuhi: "I feel like I've been having a nightmare, too. It just doesn't feel real at all."

Shuro: "I heard... I heard that she's... she's having..."

Yuuhi: "......"

Yuuhi: "I can't get over it this time...!! I just keep flashing back to that... Chidori's weight... Tooya's voice... I can't stop shaking."

Page 149
Yuuhi: "I can't even say a thing to Aya!"

Shuro: "I'll talk to Aya. She could end up losing the baby, too."

Yuuhi: "Would you, please? I'm sorry, Shuro, I know you're busy with getting ready for next month's concert... Chidori was really looking forward to it."

Shuro: "Was she..."

[Shuro turns and walks off...]

Shuro: "Aya! It's me... Shuro. I'm coming in!"

Page 150
[...but Aya's room is empty.]

Shuro: "Aya...?!"

[Shuro's shoulders sag as realization hits.]

Shuro: "Aya...!!"


Page 151
[Aya opens the door of Tooya's apartment and enters.]

Aya: "...I'm home..."

Aya: "...Tooya?"

Aya: "I know you're home... right? You're here, aren't you?"

Page 152
[Aya looks around the near-empty apartment... remembering bits and pieces from the time she spent with him... everything triggering memories...]

Aya: "Hey... where are you... Tooyaaa......"

Aya: "Answer meee......!"

Page 153
Aya: You said 'I'll be back soon'... "...li... ar..."

Aya: You said we'd live together forever... "...liar..."

Aya: You said you'd finally found me... "LIAR!!"

Page 154
Aya [remembering Suzumi's words]: [...he must be fine... amazingly tough... he's all right...]

Aya: No... the truth is, I know more than anyone else... that Tooya's gone... and that no matter how much I wait, he's never coming back!

Aya: "...to... ya..."

Page 155
Aya: "TOOYAAA!!"

Page 156
Aya: Chidori's gone also... Tooya... what should I do... after all this...

Kurozuka: "Aya!"

Kurozuka: "I thought that was you... welcome back! Are you by yourself?"

Aya: "Doctor... Kuro... zuka..."

Woman: "Oh! Wasn't it you and your boyfriend who helped me with my delivery?"

Aya: ...ah...

Page 157
Woman: "I really appreciate what you did for me then!"

Aya: "...uh... it was nothing..."

Woman: "No, I really mean it! Please thank your boyfriend for me! Thanks to you guys, this baby was brought into the world..."

Aya: ...the baby... I hadn't thought about that...

[Kurozuka notices as Aya's hands go to her belly.]

Kurozuka: "Aya...?" Aya [distractedly]: "--huh?"

[Later, at Kurozuka's house...]

Kurozuka: "Thought so! I wasn't sure... I see now."

Page 158
Kurozuka: "I guess Tooya's gotta be the happiest man in the world, eh?

Aya: "Doctor... why? How come..."

Kurozuka: "How can I explain... I think he must've yearned for this... a family of his own flesh and blood, so to speak... it's his own child."

Aya [on the verge of tears]: Tooya... must've... yearned...

Kurozuka: "What about you, Aya? You're still only 17..."

Page 159
Aya: "I want to..." Tooya's family... his own flesh and blood... "I also want to have this child." I have to protect this child... no matter what. As a mother...

Kurozuka: "By the way... you should count yourself lucky that you survived when you fell into the Sado straits. Oh!! I almost forgot--I asked Genjii about the hagoromo... he says the family line of Tennyo in Niigata died out a long time ago."

Page 160
Kurozuka: "Fishing was their specialty... and it's said that when they wore the hagoromo, they'd turn into fish themselves. In fact, he told me that about a hundred years ago, a strange corpse that looked like a mixture of human and fish washed ashore."

Aya: "...the hagoromo..."

Aya: Yes... Tooya and Chidori died for it...

Ceres: That's right, Aya... and they may not be the last victims. We know not yet what may happen to this child...

Kurozuka: "You sure? You don't need a ride?"

Page 161
Aya: "Yeah... thank you for everything, though."

Kurozuka: "Take care, then." [smugly] "I'll be sure to give Tooya a lecture about preparing himself to be a father..."

Aya: You're like a real father... Doctor... farewell.

[Aya turns away from Kurozuka, and walks down the road, wiping away the tears.]

Aya: I'm going to the Mikage. I won't let those bastards do as they like with the hagoromo. This time I'm going to face them head-on.

Aya: Tooya... Chidori... look at me now. I won't fail!

Continued in Part 2...

[back to the volume 12 page]

translation by 猫舌 (Brandon Bannerman) and 林まり, 1999
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