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     t r a n s l a t i o n s :   v o l u m e   12

ISBN:  ISBN4-09- 137645-2
translators:  nekojita, mari hayashi
    nekojita: http://ayashi.net

translations available:
part one (see below)
part two (pp 34-63)
part three (pp 64-93)
part four (pp 95-131)
part five (pp 132-161)
part six (pp 162-end)
status: volume 12 is already done as shokomi 11-16.however, for some reason the publishers chose to chop up parts of shokomi 11 (part 1) and change much of the dialogue when they compiled it into the tankoubon for volume 12. i have to retranslate that, so please forgive the wait!  

stuff done by ”Lã 1999. please ask before taking.
[legal stuff]