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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 2 Translation (Part 1)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 5
Yuuhi: "Ce... Ceres...? You're not Aya?"

Page 6
Ceres: "What you now call Aya is merely what has existed for the past 16 years. She is nothing more than the product of her environment, relationships, and such."

Yuuhi: "The Tennyo... what about the Tennyo's personality?"

Ceres: "They're not separate. It's just that the consciousness of Aya has been stronger. This is the first body I've ever had out of the daughters from Mikage lineage in which I can bring myself out this much.

Page 7
[Tooya reaches into his jacket for something. Ceres spots him, and blasts him. Kyuu shrieks.]

Ceres: "Are you a Mikage lackey, then?"

Page 8
[Tooya appears unharmed... which appears to shock Ceres.]

Ceres: "Tooya... I must eradicate the Mikage utterly. Knowing that, will you still side with them... even though it means opposing me?"

Tooya: "Fraid so. They ordered me to catch you alive."

Page 9
Ceres: "Is that so... then I shall bestow the joy of beatitude upon you... just as I will with the Mikage clan."

[The floor around Tooya erupts in fire.]

Page 10
Tooya: "...petals?"

[Ceres descends towards Aya's mother, who is lying prone on the floor.]

Yuuhi: "Hey, wait a minute!"

Ceres: "That woman... is she not also a Mikage?"

Yuuhi: "Hold on, don't! This is you... no, Aya's mom!"

Ceres: "Do you defend her, then?"

Page 11
Ceres: "Don't be frightened... you have nothing to do with the Mikage. Now step back so that you won't get hurt... Yuuhi."

Page 12
[Ceres slips down through the hole in the floor.]

Yuuhi [going SD and freaking out]: "Are she and Aya the same person?! Aya's rougher, she's a bigger smartass, and most of all, she doesn't have that sort of kindness and sex appeal--!! this sucks!"
{Hiragana in the background: paniikku = panic}

Tooya [elsewhere]: "It's not such a big house, but still... I haven't got the foggiest idea where she is. Another area?"

Page 13
[A small ball falls to the ground and bounces toward Tooya.]

Tooya: "...a ball?"

//korokorokorokoro// {sound of ball rolling across the hard floor}

Page 14
Ceres [rising out of the ball]: "I'm not letting you go anywhere... now, where is my hagoromo?!"

Suzumi [on the phone with Yuuhi]: "Ceres?!"

Suzumi: "Are you sure that's really a Tennyo?"

Yuuhi: "Positive. Her eyes, the color of her hair... they've all changed. I can't believe it's the same woman."

Suzumi: "This is bad. We've got to find Aya and stop her now!!"

Yuuhi: "S-stop her? How?!"

Suzumi: "You can do it!! This is why infused the crest of your headband with my power. We've got a real problem if she doesn't revert to being Aya!"

Page 15
Ceres: "I cannot return without the Hagoromo. Who knows where it is now?"

Tooya: "Beats the hell outta me. I don't even know much about myself, you know?"

Ceres [gathering power]: "I see... very well..."

Page 16
Yuuhi [leaping on Ceres and wrapping his arms around here]: "Enough already!!"

Ceres: "What are you doing--release me!!"

Yuuhi: "You're Aya, damnit!! Not a Tennyo!!" Ceres: "If you interfere, even you will perish!! I'll exterminate all the Mikage--the bloodline of the man who stole my hagoromo and shamed me--!!"

Page 17
[Yuuhi silences Ceres by kissing her.]

Ceres: ...lips... k... kiss...

Page 18
Aya: Tooya...

[Aya and Yuuhi suddenly find themselves facing each other... kissing.]

Yuuhi: "...hm?"

[Aya smacks the heck out of Yuuhi.]

Page 19
Aya: "Whattya think you're doing, you little perv!!"

Yuuhi: "A... Aya...?! No way--that really turned you back--?!"

Aya: "WHAT THE HELL'RE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Cut the crap already!!"

Aya [suddenly noticing Tooya]: Tooya?! "Why're you--"

//funfunfun// {sound of a vehicle's engine outside}

Page 20
Kyuu [waving to ambulance]: "Ahh! Over here, over here!"

Aya [as Tooya pulls a vanishing act]: "Wait--"

[Aya comes back into the room and notices her mother, lying on the ground.]

Aya: Mother--!! That's right... she backed me into a corner...

Yuuhi: "Your old lady... she hasn't woken up..."

Aya: "Mom... Mom... wake up, please!! Mom!!"

Page 21
Aki: "Helloooo?"

[A man who had been reading a newspaper outside of Aki's door walks in.]

Man: "What can I do for you, Aki?"

Aki: "I'm a little hungry... would you bring me something to eat? I can't move, you know..."

Man: "Sure! Right away--"

Aki [watching the man leave]: "Thanks!"

Page 22
[Aki gets up and sneaks out of the room while the man's gone.]

Aki: "Hmph. Idiot thinks I still can't move... I'm sick of being watched! They won't make a fool outta me..."

Aki [remembering Kagami]: [Aki, I think the cuts on you reflect the last moments of our ancestor.]

Aki: That explanation... what a bunch of vapid crap. Like that makes me want to do what I'm told.

[Aki stops as he overhears Kagami and his grandfather talking nearby...]

Grandpa: "What about Aya? We already know she's living with the Aogiri family!"

Kagami: "I understand... I'll take care of it, grandfather."

Grandpa: "I won't rest easy as long as Aya is alive! Before Aki finds out... deal with Aya right away!"

Page 23
Suzumi: "She's in a coma, right?"

Yuuhi: "Yeah. According to the doctor, mental shock seems to be the cause. It's like she's completely closed her mind. He says there's nothing we can do but wait."

Page 24
Suzumi: "I wonder if the Mikage did something to her... I just can't believe a mother assaulted her own daughter. Oh by the way, about that Tennyo who called herself Ceres... I'm amazed you were able to get her to transform back. Good job..."

Yuuhi [remembering a friend of his]: [All you have to do to shut a woman up is give her a kiss, you know!]
{Handwritten note: 'He suddenly remembered the advice of some less-than-reputable acquaintances.'}

Suzumi: "Her eyes and the color of her hair changed? And I don't understand... why did she say to give back her 'hagoromo'?"

Yuuhi: "She looked so damn powerful... saying 'I'll exterminate all the Mikage', and stuff."

Suzumi: "Aya doesn't remember any of it, does she?"

Kyuu [suddenly appearing and startling both of them]: "Isn't that terrible?!"

Page 25
[Suzumi and Yuuhi both fall over.]

Kyuu: "Oh my."

Yuuhi: "Why'd you have to break the tension like that?! We were having a serious conversation..."

Kyuu: "You're so cruel to me... just because I look like Chisato Moritaka--"
{Chisato Moritaka is a popular and beautiful Japanese musician. Kyuu-chan has a penchant for comparing herself to beautiful Japanese celebrities.}

Yuuhi: "I said no such thing!!"

Suzumi: "Aya..."

Yuuhi [whispered]: "Shit! She might've been eavesdropping on us..."

Kyuu [whispered]: "You mean about me looking like Chisato Moritaka...?!"

Suzumi: "NO, you idiot!!"

Page 26
Suzumi: "I'll go get something to drink for you..."

Kyuu: "I'll come with you..."

Yuuhi: "Hey, hold on!! Well, I'll come too--"

[Aya snags the back of Yuuhi's collar.]

Aya: "Did I... did some weird power come out in me again? And trash our house? And Tooya...?"

Page 27
Aya: "Did I say 'I'll exterminate the Mikage'? Did I try to hurt my mother, even?"

Yuuhi: "N... no... you didn't do any such thing!! you just put a little pressure on me, that's all..."

Aya: "Why... why don't I remember?! I'm the only one who doesn't know what happened... even though it's all about me!! Before I lost consciousness, I definitely heard a voice inside me..."

Page 28
Aya [remembering Ceres' voice]: [RELEASE ME]

Aya: "I was defeated by the voice of the Tennyo inside myself..."

Aya: "Damn it..." Even though I'm still me... "Damn it!"

Page 29
Aya: "I swore... I promised... to my father... that I'd never be 'Tennyo' again... to Tooya as well..."

[Aya turns away from Yuuhi.]

Page 30
[Yuuhi walks through the hospital... and spots Tooya in the hallway.]

Yuuhi: "Him..."

Yuuhi: "HEY!"

Page 31
Yuuhi: "What do you think you're doing here, asshole? Don't come sneaking around here!! I don't know how Aya feels, but you're an eyesore to me, pal! Don't get too close to Aya from now on... I'm going to protect her!"

Page 32
Tooya: "Well then, protect her, why don't you. Protect her with all your strength... from the Mikage, and also from me."

Aya: That Tennyo is going to exterminate the Mikage family. I've got to stop it... by all means. To the last man...?

Page 33
Aya: Not only grandpa and my other relatives... Tooya, mom... and Aki too?

[Aki limps along outside, in pain.]

Aki: "Unh... wait for me, Aya... I'll be there soon..."

Page 34
Aki: "We've been together since we were born. We must... not be separated... I have to be with you... I'll never let anyone lay a finger on you."

Page 35
Aki: "Aya--wait for me!"


Grandpa: "Where did Aki go!! What were you morons doing?! If anything happens to that boy, I--!!"

Grandpa: "Go and find him!! He's injured, so he can't be that far."

Kagami: "Tooya! You're quite late."

Tooya: "I'm real worn out. Can't we talk later?"

Page 36
Kagami: "Aki's managed to escape. Go and find him now. That's your job too."

Tooya: "You've gotta be kidding me. First looking after the sister, now the older brother? Give me a break, I'm hungry too."

Kagami: "You can't defy me, Tooya, can you? Unless, of course, you don't want to get your memories back."

Tooya: "I met the Tennyo."

[Kagami looks startled.]

Tooya: "Aya transformed, just as you expected. A woman with a different personality, calling herself 'Ceres'... with different eye and hair color from Aya." Ceres [in flashback]: "Where is my hagoromo?!"

Page 37
Kagami: "Hagoromo...?! And then?"

Tooya: "I failed to catch her alive. That's all. I'll go and find Aki. Satisfied?"

Grandpa: "Kagami! Aki must have gone to find Aya!"

Kagami: "...Grandfather, Aki can't possibly go and see Aya..."

Kagami: "...however... if by some chance he does manage to, it would be quite interesting. Ceres... Hagoromo... indeed."

Continued in Part 2...

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translation by 猫舌 (Brandon Bannerman) and 林まり, 1999
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