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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 3 Translation (Part 2)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
/text/ = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 34
[Mikage International... main complex. Aki sits in front of his computer terminal, working on his homework. As Tooya walks in, he turns...]
/kacha/ {sound of mouse clicking}

Aki: "Hey, welcome back, Tooya!"

Tooya: "Ah... don't mind me, go back to your studying."

Aki: "That's okay... I was just thinking about taking a rest from it. I'm doing okay in the five basic subjects, but..."
{The Five Basic Subjects: What he actually said was [gokyouka] (gokyouka), which literally means 'five subjects (curriculum)', but which refers specifically to math, Japanese, English, science, and social studies. It's somewhat revealing that studying hard is so ingrained into Japanese culture that they actually have such a phrase.}

Page 35
[Aki buries his head in his arms on the desk suddenly]
Aki: "I'm studying French, German, and even Chinese! Although it's what Kagami-san instructed me to do... it's ten hours a day! TEN hours! And you should hear Alec-san fawning over me-- [mimics Alec's accent] 'Aki, lad, you pick up things so quickly!'"

Tooya [hearing Alec's accent echo in his head]: ...that guy just bothers me...

Aki: "Oh hey... at least I got some game software as a reward. Want to play?"

[As Aki looks back over his shoulder, Tooya is struck by how closely he resembles Aya... as if realizing, for the first time, that they really are twins.]
Tooya: "--Aya--"

[Aki stares at Tooya for a few moments... before the latter begins walking away. However...]

Page 36
Aki: "Aya... she's doing all right?"

[Tooya's breath catches suddenly]
Tooya: "Uh..."

Aki: "I see... I'm glad to hear that. I'd been trying not to talk about her, but... like I figured, it's useless. I tried to convince myself not to care about her because it hurts, but lying to myself is much more painful. I believe in Aya! Anyway, I have to get back my memories in order to get Ceres out of Aya for good."

Page 37
Tooya: "Huh?"

Aki: "I mean, the memories of my past life... the memories of the Hagoromo. If we can return it to Ceres, she might get out of Aya and go back where she belongs. I'll do anything to get back to the life I had before."

[Aya is standing in the school courtyard, staring thoughtfully at the blackened remains of a tree...]

Aya: The school nurse... that tree... two 'spontaneous combustions' in a row is way too suspicious. Yuuhi told me that they didn't have anything to do with me, but I can't help thinking that they do.

Urakawa's Voice: "Mikage-san..."

Page 38
Aya: "Urakawa-san..."

Urakawa: "Do you... do you have a minute?"

[Urakawa hands Aya a package which, when unwrapped, reveals...]
Aya: "Ohhh, what an adorable teddy bear!"

Urakawa: "I only spent one night on it, so it's probably not very good, but... will you accept it?"

Aya: "Huh?! You made this?! You're good--"

Urakawa: "Making little knick-knacks is a hobby of mine. You've helped me out twice now, but I haven't even thanked you yet."

Aya: "Oh, don't worry about it!" [under her breath] "Buuuut, I'll take it anyway 'cause it's cute!"

Urakawa: "Um... about Mr Hayama and I... are you really going to keep quiet about that?"

Aya: "Eh? Do you really think I'm such a blabbermouth? I mean, I might look that way, but..."

Page 39
Urakawa: "I... I've been betrayed like that before, many times... by my friends. No, actually I never had real friends in the first place. If I don't open myself up to others, I can get by without getting hurt. I just drift through life, and everything's over and done by the time I snap out of it. But... finally, I met somebody I want to believe in..." [remembering Hayama's words to her:] [I love you] "...so I don't want to lose the first time I've ever been happy with anyone."

Aya: "Ahh, I get it. Are you seeing Hayama outside of school too?"

Urakawa: "On Wednesdays and Saturdays, always at the Canyon Hotel in S-Town."

Page 40
Aya: "WHAAAT?! You've got that far--holy shit!"

Urakawa [gasps]: It's not like that at all! We're just having meals together, that's all! We haven't even thought of--"

Aya: "Just kidding around! You've in love, aren'tcha! I'm happy for you."

Manami: "Well, don't you just look like you're having loads of fun! Lots of people got burned in my class the other day..."

Aya: Those are the students from Third Class who were trying to get Tooya's attention...

Manami: "...and even though you two were right next to that tree, you don't have a scratch on you! Look at my face! If you hadn't fallen down, I wouldn't have been anywhere near that damn tree, and I would've been fine!"

Page 41
Aya: "Look, that fire wasn't her fault, so why don't you quit blaming her for it!"

Girl #2: "I have a better idea--why don't you butt out, girlfriend!"

Manami: "What, you got anemic on us again? Feeling sick? You're always like that! Always making things tough on everyone else like that..."

Yuuhi: "Hey, you! Cut it out already!"

Aya: "Yuuhi--"

Girl #2: "Hmph! Let's bail!"

Manami: "For Chrissake, why would Mr Mikami want to protect the likes of you?"

...to be continued...
Last updated 6/6/99

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translation by 猫舌 (Brandon Bannerman) and 林まり, 1999
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