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     t r a n s l a t i o n s :   v o l u m e   3

ISBN:  ISBN4-09- 136356-3
translators:  nekojita (pts 1, 2), mari hayashi (pts 1, 2), jasmine (pt 3)
    nekojita: http://ayashi.net

translations available:
part one (pp 4-33)
part two (pp 34-63, last updated 6/6/99)
part four (pp 92-119, last updated 6/1/99)
status: volume three is on hold at the moment until volume 2 is complete. there were people working on it, but there haven't been any recent updates from them. in the meantime, yuu watase-cha-n's site has translations of pages 1-111. if you'd like to work on vol 3 and can make the committment to complete a section (about thirty pages), then please email me. 

stuff done by ”Lã 1999. please ask before taking.
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