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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 4 Translation (Part 1)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 6

[Suzumi is still in a trance, and dreaming of her late husband, Kazuma]

Yuuhi: "Nee-san!! Nee-san, wake up!!"
{nee-san = older sister}

Suzumi [delerious]: "Kazuma-san..."

Yuuhi: "Ceres!! Can't you do anything?! Get my sister to snap out of it!"

Ceres: "It is impossible."

Page 7
Ceres: "She put herself in this condition by her own will. If she does not wish to snap out of it, she can't."

Ceres: ...You, too...Were you not taken here against your will?

Yuuhi: u...

Bob: "Dad!... are you okay?! I'll get you an ambulance--"

Dad: "Don't worry about me; help Suzumi..."

Bob: "Okay!! I'll get an ambulance for her right away!"

Yuuhi: "Dad... why did you protect me...?"

Dad: "...what are you saying?"

Page 8
Dad: "Fathers protecting their children... is natural."

Bob: "You're so stupid, Yuuhi."

Bob: "Dad was... ever since I can remember, he thought you were the sweetest of his sons."

Bob: "I know that I'm not very mature...people say the kid who suffers the most is the cutest."

Yuuhi: ?!

Bob: "Still, that's not enough reason to let you live with Suzumi in the same place!"

Page 9
Bob: "You two must be living a happy life with dialogues like 'come on, Nee-san!'" [some mushy sound] "...no, Yuuhi..."

Yuuhi: "WE DID NOT!!"

Bob: "And in the end, Aya-chan, too----!!"

Bob: "...Where did Aya-chan go, anyway?"

Yuuhi: ....

Yuuhi: "...Aya...For our sake, you changed into Ceres by yourself...."

Suzumi [in her flashback]: [I want a boy... one that looks like you. Kazuma-san?... What do you think?]

Page 10
Yuuhi: "...What... is she talking about?"

Ceres: "This woman... was impregnated..."

Bob: "YUUHI!! I KNEW IT!!"

Yuuhi: "YOU'RE WRONG!!"

Bob: "Who's wrong??!! Kazuma's been dead for a year, so who else could have--"

Ceres: "The baby is... no longer... inside of her. She doesn't want to return to reality...because she knows that the happiest moment of a woman's life is being in a world with her husband and child."

Page 11
Ceres: "...And when she is limited here from the things she cherishes, she can't..."

Kazuma [in Suzumi's flashback]: [Oh yeah? It's been three months now? That's great, Suzumi!]

Kazuma [in Suzumi's flashback]: [...that's a good question: a boy or a girl... I'd be happy with either! As long as you have a smooth delivery.]

Kazuma [in Suzumi's flashback]: [I love you...]

Yuuhi: "I never knew...!! ...Then... The reason Nee-san fainted during Aniki's funeral... and stayed in the hospital for a little over half an month... is because..."
{aniki = older brother, senior brother}

Dad: ...

Page 12
Yuuhi: "It's no good. Nee-san!! You can't go back to that time and place!! Open your eyes!"

Bob: "Yuuhi!!"

Yuuhi: "Aniki... Aniki's already dead!!"

[Suzumi flashes back to a hospital. In the room, there is a body in a bed.] Suzumi [in her flashback]: [Huh]

Suzumi [in her flashback]: [No... Kazuma-san didn't die... he can't die....] Suzumi [crying out in her flashback]: [...ma-san, Kazuma-san... WHY??!!!]

Page 13
Suzumi: [in her flashback] [My insides hurt. Stop!! Don't you take my baby away, too!!]

Yuuhi: "...jeez, I said everything'll be okay, didn't I?!... 'I'll protect my in-laws myself'--you said that, for Aniki.... You promised you'd stay alive!!"

[In her flashback, Suzumi holds a knife to her throat]
Suzumi: [in her flashback]: [I'll go to where Kazuma-san and our baby are... You two... must be waiting for me....]

Yuuhi [in flashback; bursting into the room]: [NEE-SAN!!]

Page 14
Yuuhi [in flashback]: [What the hell are you doing?!!]

Suzumi [in flashback]: [Who are you!!... You... let... go...]

Yuuhi [in flashback]: [I said stop!!]

Suzumi [in flashback]: [Leave me alone!! Nothing's wrong with me... let go!!]

[In the struggle, Suzumi accidentally stabs Yuuhi's arm. She's shocked.]

Yuuhi [in flashback]: [...stop it... Nee-san.]

Yuuhi [in flashback]: [If you do this, you won't be able to be with Aniki... Aniki wouldn't approve!!]

Page 15
Yuuhi [in flashback]: [Aniki is...my Aniki is...!!]

Kazuma [in another flashback]: [Suzumi... Yuuhi can only depend on me now... so I must protect him no matter what. He's still a kid, but he is always alone and quiet... even dad and mom ignore him. I want to take care of him always until he grows up.]

Suzumi [in flashback]: [Kazuma... your brother is my brother. Yes... I still have Yuuhi... I have to watch over him...]

[[Suzumi drops the knife]]

Page 16
Kazuma [in flashback]: [Take care of Yuuhi...in place of me...]

[Suzumi opens her eyes]
Suzumi: "...Yuuhi..."

Yuuhi: "Nee-sa..."

Bob [hugging her] "Suzumi-swaaan!!!"
{as he's trying to say 'san', he's just sooo excited ^_- }

Ceres: "Welcome back."

[at Kagami's place]
Alex: "Ah, got'cha."

Page 17
Alex: "Chief?"

Kagami: "The mission failed again. I specifically ordered them earlier not to make this too public. The Aogori family is pretty powerful in politics. If we do anything out in the open, they won't let us go on any easier."

Kagami: "But, if they are smart enough, they won't do anything to us. The most they would do is to strengthen their security system."

Alex: "Then, you mean we should let Aogori Suzumi go for now?"

Alex: Come to think of it, I wonder how that Obake no Q-chan is doing?
{The character for Kyuu-san actually comes from a character in an older Japanese series, called "Obake no Q-Darou". This character is one of Alex's favorites, and when he ran into Kyuu in Volume 2, he was struck by the resemblance. -Nekojita}

Kagami: "We want to create the Tennyo artificially, so it definately requires some hard work."

Page 18
[The elevator door opens, and we see Aki standing there]

Kagami [surprised]: "...!! Aki... kun..."

Alex: "Ahhhh you guys!! I told you Aki-san couldn't leave his room without my permission!!"

Aki: "I made them let me out... Because... I want to see Tooya again no matter what."

Page 19
[At the Aogiri household...] Dad: "The police are here! Yuuhi, take that girl back first!"

Yuuhi: "Sure!... but...."

Dad: "Let the adults worry about the rest... you go back first!"

Suzumi: "Don't worry about me either. I'm all better now."

Suzumi: "Some big sister I am... you saved me twice."

Yuuhi: "...Don't mention it!"

Bob: "Yuuhi... next time you come back, you'll have to cook for us!"

Bob: "But, I'll only let you in if you bring the two fine chicks, Aya and Suzumi!"

Page 20
Yuuhi: [annoyed and anxious to leave]: "Kyuu-chan! Get the car!!"

Kyuu: "Yuuhi-san!! Are you okay?"

Kyuu: "...huh? Ceres-san? long time no see..." Dad: "...I understand what you wanted, Suzumi-san... I will do everything I can to accomodate you."

Suzumi: "O-Too-sama..."
{Otoosama = very polite term for "father"}

Bob: Where did that pretty lady come from...

Dad: "...Mikage Aya, huh... That Yuuhi really fell in love with that troublesome girl..."

Suzumi: "...huh? You know already? Still can't hide it from you..."

Dad: "Mmm... but... he is becoming more of a man."

Page 21
[Yuuhi, Ceres, and Kyuu are driving back in the car. Kyuu turns around to talk.]

Kyuu: "What a relief! Everyone, you're okay!! I was wondering if I should call the self-defense force for help!"

Yuuhi: "Keep your eyes on the road! The road!!"

Kyuu [with her feet on the steering wheel] "I can drive like this, too..."

Yuuhi: "CUT IT OUT!"

Yuuhi: "...I strangely feel... relieved..."

Yuuhi: "Thinking back... I was struggling for so long before I came... geez."

Yuuhi: "I just need to... gather some courage... then I can easily change things..."

Yuuhi [remembering what Aya said to him]: [For me, the people in the Aogori family... are the only family I've got!]

Yuuhi: "If it weren't for what Aya said to me... I might have missed a very important thing."

Page 22
Ceres: "...Why?"

Ceres: "Why did you embrace Aya like that?"

Ceres: "Why?"

Yuuhi: "...well... it's... because I love her. I love Aya."

Page 23
Ceres: "...If you love her, does that mean anything you do to her is okay...? Do you even consider her feelings?"

Yuuhi: "That... that is..."

Yuuhi: "But... I... I'm a man... It's because I'm a man...!"

Arrow: [was caught off guard]

Ceres: "But isn't that just an excuse?"

Ceres: "You humans are like this...You strive to let your own race continue to survive."

Ceres: "To continue your own life, you totally depend on instincts to act."

Yuuhi: "The way you put it... it's like it doesn't matter who the person is--"

Ceres: "Isn't that so?"

Page 24
Ceres: "Long ago, a man planted his seed in me. His tribe was flourishing... Today they want to kill your family."

Ceres: "...but I bore them... I had responsibilities, too. I wonder if I also had instincts to preserve my life..."

Yuuhi: "All that... talk about seeds, and your life... I... I had no idea!... no one's ever thought about it!"

Yuuhi: "It's because we love. That's why we "want". If you love someone, don't you want to become one with that person?!!"

Page 25
Yuuhi: "At least that's how it is with me... and Aniki and Nee-san truly loved each other..."

Yuuhi: "So... their child... was the result of their love!"

Kyuu: Wow, deep conversation...

Yuuhi: "I can't live without a heart!! I don't want anything else but Aya!! Just... just Aya's heart is---"

Ceres: "...You... really are a naiive boy."

[Ceres places her hand on top of Yuuhi's.]
Ceres: "I don't like Humans."

Ceres: "I don't believe in Humans."

Ceres: "...but show what you just said to me."

Page 26
Ceres: "Show me what you humans are really like. Show me the thing you call 'love'. If you do..."

Ceres: "...some day, Aya will come to accept you."

Ceres: "...This will end our discussion for the day..."

Ceres: "So... I will become Aya again---Shouldn't you bring her back?"

Ceres: "Use the rule you've set from the beginning."

[Ceres raises her head to face Yuuhi and closes her eyes.]

Page 27
[Yuuhi, blushing, notices that Kyuu-chan is staring at them.]

Yuuhi: "Keep your eyes straight forward, driver!!"

[Yuuhi turns Kyuu-chan's face towards the front.]

Kyuu: "Yes, sir!"

Yuuhi: "Don't forget..."

Yuuhi: "...our promise..."

[Yuuhi leans in and kisses Ceres.]

Page 28
[Aya opens her eyes.]

Aya: ....

[The car makes a sudden stop. Yuuhi is thrown by the force towards Aya.]

Yuuhi: !!

[One of Yuuhi's hands lands on Aya's breasts.]

Aya: "You... You jerk!"

Page 29
[In front of the Aogiri house.]


Yuuhi: "N-no! I was just changing you bac... ow!!"

Kyuu: "Um, excuse me, you two, but we're home..."

Yuuhi: "I was...!! ...just doing it to change you back--"

Aya: "...What happened to Suzumi--and your dad?!"

Yuuhi: "We... we saved them!! Thanks to your help--"

Aya: "I didn't do anything... thank Ceres."

Aya: "I've decided..."

Page 30
Aya: "That everything the Mikages are doing with the C Project... I'm going to put a stop to!"

Yuuhi: "So you're giving up on trying to get rid of Ceres?"

Yuuhi: "But Aya, if you change into Ceres, you'll attack your own brother... attack Aki!"

Yuuhi: "And besides... and besides... you and Tooya--"

Aya: "I've made up my mind!!"

Aya: It's wrong... I know it's wrong, but Innocent people like Urakawa-san who keep on getting involved... is worse!

Aya: But we're slowly growing farther apart, aren't we... Aki...

Aya: But what the Mikages are doing... is my responsibility...

Continued in Part 2...

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translation by Joy, 1999
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