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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 4 Translation (Part 2)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 31

Aya: Tooya

[In Tooya's cell... Tooya is lying on the ground. The door opens.]

Kagami: "What is it, Tooya? Between your 'memories' and 'Aya', which has been occupying your mind more lately?"

[Tooya sits up.]
Tooya: "Kagami..."

Page 32
Tooya: ...

Tooya: "...I've been thinking about Aya."

Aki: "TOOYA!"

[Aki rushes to Tooya.]

Tooya: "...Aki."

Aki: "How terrible... I'll take your handcuffs off now."

Kagami: "Aki-kun's been saying how much he wants to speak with you."

Tooya: "...Speak?"

Aki: "...Aya...You love her, don't you."

Tooya: ...

[Aki helps Tooya uncuff the handcuffs.]

Aki: "...Somehow, I've wondered... If my little sister... loves you, too--I've heard many times... that you want to protect her, right?"

Page 33
Aki: "Thanks..."

Aki: "But..."

[Aki jabs the jagged part of the handcuffs into Tooya's wrist.]

Aki: "...give up!"

Aki: "I will not allow you or anyone else to have Aya."

Aki: "I absolutely forbid it!"

[Aki, who seems to become someone else, stares at Tooya with a look that could kill.]

Page 34
Aki: "...I will not let you get in my way. This is something I have decided long ago..."

Aki: "...That the only one who is to become one with Aya is me!!"

Tooya: "Aki...!"

Page 35
Tooya: "...ungh..."

[Kagami puts his hands on Aki's shoulders.]

Kagami: "Aki-kun!!"

[Aki comes to.]

Page 36
Aki: "...huh?!..."

Aki: "Ah!!"

[Aki suddenly realizes what he had done and backs away.]

Aki: "Tooya...?!"

[In Aki's room.]

Aki: "---Sorry...Tooya, I'm really sorry!! Why did I do such a thing?... I---"

Page 37
Tooya: "...I'm fine. It's nothing serious."

Tooya: "But what's wrong? Is it because you didn't get to go outside? Aki: "Lately...I've been feeling really desperate--- It's like I'm becoming not myself...It's really weird."

Aki: "If I were to do that to someone else, it'd be a little bit more understandable...but to you..."

Aki: "You were the person who saved Aya from that on-coming car the day before our birthday."

Aki: "I thought that I'd seen you somewhere before!"

Page 38
Aki: "I wondered why I trusted you the most here, and then I understood."

Aki: "It is because of your advice that I am able to go on..."

Aki: "I don't want you to leave...I know it's weird, but I'm becoming scared of myself..."

Tooya: " We're the same... you and I."

Tooya: "I can't leave you here alone."

Tooya: " that's right... I promised that I would protect you, didn't I."

[On a big screen, Kagami and Alex are able to observe Aki.]

Alex: "Looks like the lad's back to normal?"

Page 39
Kagami: "...Yeah, but just a couple minutes ago, he was NOT normal."

Alex: "The effects of the machine, do you think? ...I wondered how we could do research and development when we couldn't even measure the effects of the machine I made."

Kagami: "We'll observe some more--"

[At the Aogiri house.]

Aya: "....I'm back!"

Page 40
A song from another room: ....oh, no you don't. We are maidens of the Heavens...

Aya: "...is Suzumi-san pracitcing right now?"

The song: [not translated yet]

Yuuhi: "...Ah, it's the 'Matsuno Hagoromo', it's Nee-san's specialty!"

Aya: "Hagoromo? So there are dances about it, too..."

[Suzumi is dancing to the music.]

The song: ...It's an interesting story. Flowers emit an exquisite, sweet smell and bring the hagoromo of the Heavens back....

[Suzumi notices that Aya is peeking in.]

Suzumi: "...Aya! Come in already!"

Page 41
[Suzumi stops the stereo.]

Suzumi: "How's your mom doing?"

Aya: "She hasn't changed... Sorry! I interrupted you!"

Suzumi: "It's fine... you want to know what I was dancing about?"

Suzumi: "The man in this story, 'Hakuryou' saw a sad Tennyo and gave her her hagoromo back. In exchange, she let him see her dance before she went back into the sky."

[Suzumi takes a look at her husband's picture.]

Suzumi: "...Since my only dance partner is gone... I haven't been dancing for a year... I stayed behind and he returned to the sky..."

Suzumi: "Because of that, I'll have eternal one-sided love..."

Aya: "Suzumi-san, you're really strong..."

Suzumi: "Hm?"

Page 42
Aya: "I'm no good. If I can't be with him right away, I always let myself get depressed."

Aya: "I'm not too stable... is it because I'm still immature? Or is it because I'm in love?"

Suzumi: "Mmm...it sounds like love...because when you're in love, you're unstable and you hurt."

Suzumi: "I'm not really strong. Because I'm weak, I try to act strong."

Suzumi: "When I lost my husband and our baby.....I wanted to run away from my fate."

Suzumi: "But now I think this way: Instead of fighting fate...you should accept it, and face it."

Suzumi: "And also...Even though it's short, my life is the most improtant... I want to be happier than anyone."

Suzumi: "We're both women... I hope your own happiness will come soon."

Aya: "Suzumi-san..."

Suzumi: "In the meantime, we've got to do something about the Mikages! We've been trying to figure out the Mikages' moves for several days now, but... it's hard to get infromation. Hacking their computers won't work either..." Aya: Even now...somewhere in Japan, someone will suffer from the dirty hands of the Mikage.

Aya: I know it's wrong... but somehow I've gotta bring Ceres out.

Aya: But... where?


Page 44
[More footsteps. A girl stops in front of the Aogiri house.]

[In the kitchen, Yuuhi is preparing the food while listening to the radio on his headphones.]

Radio: Listen to this! Yesterday, news of a mysterious germ in Tochigi was discovered...

Radio: Yeah! It was completely unprecedented by the Department of Health in Tochigi, but they're distributing things to prevent it...

[Yuuhi stops chopping.]

Yuuhi: Tochigi...

[From outside]

Chidori [shouting]: "EX..."

Page 45
Chidori [shouting]: "...CUSE ME!!"

[Yuuhi drops his cooking stuff at the sudden "noise".]

Chidori [shouting]: "IS YUUHI AOGIRI-SAN AT HOME??"

[Suzumi sweatdrops. Aya covers her ears. Kyuu-chan is stumbling with the hot tea that has spilled all over her face. Yuuhi comes out of the kitchen, with one hand still covering his ear.]

Yuuhi: "Who, me?"

Page 46
[A girl stands solemnly in front of them.]

Yuuhi: "...an elementary-school'er...?"

[The strange girl looks at Yuuhi, then at a picture]

Yuuhi: ?

[The girl suddenly glomps onto Yuuhi.]

Chidori: "I FOUND HIM!!"

Page 47
Yuuhi: "Wha--what the hell??!!"

Chidori [still glomping on Yuuhi]: "I'm so happy! Waaah! The real thing is so cooool!"

Suzumi: "Yuuhi, you... and this kid..."

Kyuu [giggles]: "Lolita complex?!"

Yuuhi: "NOT TRUE!"

[The girl still keeps her strong hold on Yuuhi.]

[Aya gives Yuuhi a vicious stare. Yuuhi catches his breath slightly.]

[Aya turns and walks away.]

Yuuhi: "Aya!! Wait!!"

Chidori [calling out to Aya]: "...wait... you over there!! Are you by any chance the woman that Yuuhi-kun was flying with?!"

Page 48
[Aya turns around to face the girl.]

Aya: "...huh....?"

Chidori: "Check out this woman's face in this picture!"

[The girl shows them a picture of Yuuhi holding on to a flying Ceres.]

Yuuhi: "That's...!"

Chidori: "3 months ago, when I was walking in front of the Shinjuku hospital, I just happened to see you!"

Chidori: "And then, on the TV on a broadcast of a fire at a school, and in a newspaper article, I saw Yuuhi-kun... I was wondering if I could meet that girl who was with him!"

Yuuhi: "W... wrong person!! I don't know that woman at all!! Isn't that right, you guys?!!"

Kyuu: "Hm? And just how many times did you kiss her?"

[Aya looks at the picture. In the background, Kyuu-chan's mouth is covered with a handkerchief... provided by Yuuhi.]

Aya: ...

Page 49
Aya: That's Ceres...."

Aya: The other me...

[Chidori takes a look at Aya.]

Chidori: "Whaat? You're completely different."

Chidori: "The girl in the picture is prettier, more mature, sexier, elegant, has pretty black hair..."

Chidori: "I can't see a resemblance."

Aya [shouting into Chidori's face]: "EXCUUUSE ME??!!"

Aya [angrily blurts out]: "I don't like changing into that kind of woman and flying through the air!!"

[Yuuhi tries to stop Aya from spilling more info than necessary.]

Yuuhi: "Wah! Aya!!"

Page 50
Chidori: "...is this picture-girl really you?"

Chidori: "But I don't see any resemblance at all! Are you sure it's you?"

Aya: ...

[Yuuhi restrains Aya from hurting the girl.]

Yuuhi: "Aya, she's just a kid; a kid!!"

[The girl suddenly bows down to them.]

Yuuhi/Aya: !?

Chidori: "I'm Kuruma Chidori!! Please!! Don't ask any questions. Just come with me to Tachigi!!"

Page 51
Chidori: "I want you to meet my little brother!!"

Yuuhi: "Tachigi?"

[In Tachigi.]

Aya: "So it was after the news report discovered the existance of that germ that your brother..."

Chidori: "Right! I, and the rest of the people who drank that drug that was distributed in the water didn't get any symptoms, but at home, a lot of people are looking really bad."

Chidori: "My little brother's been in this hospital for three months now!"

Page 52
[In the hospital. Yuuhi, Aya, and Kyuu-chan are following Chidori down the hall.]

Yuuhi: "...that's really weird... I'll bet Kagami knows something about this!"

Aya: "...Um-hm!"

[Chidori opens the door to the room her brother is staying at.]


Chidori: "Heloooooo, Shoutaaa! It's your big sis!!"

[A boy sitting on the bed looks up.]

Shouta: "Onee-chan..."
{Onee-chan = older sister}

Chidori: "Did your fever go down?!"

Shouta: "Um-hm...the doctor's really good... he's also a very beautiful man."

Chidori: "Oooh! I wanna see him!"

Page 53
[Aya notices a wheelchair.]

Aya: This boy's legs are...?

Chidori: "Oh yeah, I brought the woman from the picture to see you today!! Look!!"


Yuuhi/Aya/Kyuu: "Ah, Hi!!"

Shouta: "Huh? So this is the woman who was flying in the sky..."

Shouta: "...She doesn't quite look like the woman in the picture."

[We now see that Shouta is talking about Oba-Kyuu. Yuuhi and Aya fall down in embarrassment.]

Chidori: "Shouta, you're wrong. That's Oba-Kyuu."

Aya: "....Why me?!..."

Shouta: "Onee-chan, you really brought her! But can she really fly?"

Chidori: "Yes, she can!! Your onee-chan saw her flying over the Kousou building!!"

Page 54
Chidori: "HERE! FLY!!"

[Chidori pushes Aya out of the window.]

[Fortunately, Aya has grabbed hold of the railing and stops Chidori.]

Sign: Seven floors up."

[Aya catches her breath]

Chidori: "unnnngghhh

Yuuhi: ...this brat's dangerous...

Shouta: "...oh... I knew she couldn't fly!"

Chidori: "Shouta!! Aya-san is just a bit embarrassed to fly now, because she's wearing a mini skirt!!"

Aya: What's with her?!

Shouta: "Forget it, onee-chan... I know I'll never be able to fly in the sky!"

Chidori: "You will fly!! If you just keep practicing walking... someday you'll become a pilot and fly in the sky!!"

Shouta: "It's useless... I can't move my legs."

Chidori: "No matter what doctor we go to, they all say you have a 40% chance of recovery!! Why did you decide from the beginning that it was useless?!"

Page 55
Chidori: "Is giving up your dream of being a pilot really what you want?!"

Shouta: "...yes! Because I really can't move my legs!! It's already been two years and I still can't move them!!"

Chidori: "You're just being a coward!! Isn't that right, Aya-san..."

Chidori: "Aya-san, you'll fly Shouta around, won't you?!"

Aya: "huh?"


Aya: "Huh?"

Shouta: "...rea... lly?"

[Chidori stares hard at Aya from behind Shouta.]

Shouta: "I'll really... fly... in the sky?"

Aya: ...

Page 56
Aya: "...Yeah!"

[Out in the hallway waiting area, Aya, Yuuhi, and Kyuu-chan are thinking over their situation.]

Yuuhi: "Damn you, stupid girl..."

Yuuhi: "How do you plan on flying?!"

Aya: "Buuut--"

Aya [remembering what Chidori said]: [Please, Aya-san, if you fly with Shouta... He'll want to be a pilot again... he'll want to walk again. He'll get his strength back.]

Aya [remembering what Chidori said]: [And if you refuse, I'll sell that picture to the newspapers!!]

Yuuhi: "...That's blackmail, you know."

Aya: "But that girl is desperate to help her brother... and what if Shouta-kun is a C-Genoma..."


Page 57
Aya: "...yeah... she's okay, it's ME who's hopeless."

Aya: "If I turn into Ceres... I can do all kinds of things."

Aya: Don't run away, face the challenge, even the sorrowful things... Suzumi said it's the thing that a woman had to prepare for before greeting her happiest moment... but when will that moment come?

[Yuuhi notices Aya's sadness. He sets down the paper cup.]

Yuuhi: "...I understand. Let's just go check on those possible C-Genoma first..."

Aya: Who will be at my side then? Who will it be?

[Yuuhi puts his hand on Aya's shoulder.]

Yuuhi: "Aya, don't make it so hard on yourself..."

Page 58
[A person in uniform is walking towards them.]

Aya: "...I'm not... being too hard on myself..."

Yuuhi: ...

[Yuuhi thinks about what Ceres had told him.]

Ceres: [Show me the thing you humans call 'love'... if you do that...]

Ceres: [One day, Aya will come to accept you.]

[Yuuhi embraces Aya from behind.]

Yuuhi: "Aya..."

Yuuhi: "I will... always have eyes only for you."

Page 59
Yuuhi: "No matter what form you take."

Yuuhi: "What I need... will always be 'Aya Mikage'."

Aya: "Yuu... hi..."

Kyuu: That's great, Yuuhi-san, but did you have to put that cup on my head? Geez...

Aya: ...before... Tooya held me in his arms like this...

Aya: What kind of... feelings were they, Tooya...

//footsteps in the background//

Page 60
[Aya opens her eyes and sees...Tooya.]

Aya: Tooya!

Continued in Part 3...

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translation by Joy, 1999
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