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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 4 Translation (Part 3)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 61

[A nurse questions Tooya when he stops walking.]

Nurse: "Kiritani-sensei?"

[Tooya resumes his walking...past Aya and Yuuhi.]

//step, step, step, step...//

Page 62
Yuuhi: "Well, well... so now you're wearing a white uniform and playing doctor!"

Yuuhi: "Shit... that's the last guy I wanted to see!"

Aya: ...my heart... hurts...

Aya: your expression was so bland... Tooya...

Yuuhi: "This time, the Mikages have gotta be involved in this---I wish they'd just leave us alone!!"

Aya: I know he has always been like that... but this time...

Page 63
Aya: Right now...

Aya: "Yuuhi, sorry!!"

Aya: "Just let me go for a bit~! I'll come right back..."

[Yuuhi releases Aya.]

Aya: "...excuse me!!"

[Aya catches up to Tooya.]

Page 64
Aya: "I have something...I want to say to the doctor."

[The nurse leaves.]

Aya: Huh... so this time you're called 'Kiritani-san'!"

Tooya: "...25 years old, single, from the US, responsible for internal medicine, just came here a week ago... Aya, how are you doing?"

Page 65
Aya [sarcastically]: "What, me? I'm perfectly happy! thanks to you."

Aya: "I've always had good luck. Aki is always saying how I'm fortunate and make everything end up good! Sorry to disappoint you..."

Aya: "...That's right... I wasn't able to help Urakawa-san."

Aya: "And then, Suzumi-san was hypnotized... so, I... I became Ceres on my own!! Probably... I killed some people, but... from now on, I'll continue to turn into Ceres! I've gotta do it in order to fight the Mikage!"

Tooya: "...is that so...."

Page 66
Aya: "And then...Yuuhi told me... that he loved me--"

Aya: What am I talking about...?

Aya: "We kissed... and almost had sex!"

Aya: I should be more concerned about the Mikages...

Aya: "But I couldn't fight it....just then... I wonder what I should do? I don't get...it..."

Aya: "m...n..."

Page 67
Aya: "Why don't you say something?!"

Aya: "What's with that straight face?! Why aren't you angry?! And why don't you say something?!"

Aya: "Don't you care? Don't you feel anything? Tell me 'don't let other men touch you'... Tell me 'I miss you'!"

[Aya grabs onto Tooya's cloak.]

Page 68
[Aya buries her head in Tooya's chest.]

Aya: "Say it!! How come you never say anything to make things clear!!"

Aya: I'm so lonely...

Aya: "You can say it or hold me... hold me tight!!"

Aya: Why can't you just say something selfish to me!!

Tooya: "I don't know... what women want to hear..."

Tooya: "I can only give what I understand... if I can't make it clear, is it really wrong?"

Aya: ...!

Page 69
Aya [Remembering Yuuhi's words]: [I don't wanna be 'just friends'...]

[Aya kisses Tooya]

Tooya: !

Tooya: ...?...

[Aya unbuttons Tooya's cloak.]

Page 70
[Aya's own jacket falls to the ground.]

Aya: "Right here, right now... show me who you really are... show me yourself."

[Aya hugs Tooya.]

Aya: "If you do, I won't be sad... I won't be afraid."

Aya: "You said... that you loved me!!"

Aya: "Prove to me... that you love me!!"

Page 71
Aya: "If you love me... then shouldn't you be hugging me right now...?!"

Page 72
[Tooya hugs Aya.]

Tooya: "Even without feelings of love, men can hug."

Tooya: "...so don't easily give your body to men."

Tooya: "Feelings that seem real...don't exist."

Aya: ".....What the--- you sound so grown-up..."

Aya: "You're treating me like a child...!!"

Page 73
Tooya: "...You told me you wanted me to speak my feelings clearly to you."

Tooya: "I've also tried to search in my body...search for what I've felt from you..."

Tooya [remembering Kagami's words]: [So you're beginning to understand how it feels to be in love?]

Tooya: "After it was pointed out, I realize that it's love, but... even though I can feel it, I can't express it."

Aya [tries to hide a laugh]: "Poh... why? Everyone uses simple words to express!"

Tooya: "No, it's not that... I can't easily use your language."

Page 74
Tooya: "My feelings for you can't be expressed by words."

Tooya: "I don't...want to use words."

[Tooya kisses Aya's... um... face.... ^_- ]

Aya: "He... he... what are you saying... this weird kinda talk... I don't get it..."

Aya: "If you don't say it with words, how will the person understand? Especially with girls..."

Page 75
Intercom: Kiritani-sensei from internal medicine department--

Intercom: Please come to the third internal medicine room.

Page 76
Aya: "....Go! It's okay."

Aya: "I have to go, too. Yuuhi and the others are waiting."

Aya: "Go!!"

Tooya: "...Why... are you here?"

Aya: "Same goes to you!!"

Aya: "C-Genoma?! Is that it?! This time, the patients in this hospital... Kuruma Shouta-kun, too..."

Page 77
Tooya: "No one knows who will turn into Tennyo completely. However, I'm ordered to capture them... this is my mission this time."

[Tooya leaves the room and closes the door behind him]

[Out in the hall.]

Yuuhi: "Damn that Aya, she's taking forever!!"

Kyuu: "She's okay!! She's only been gone for 20 minutes."

[Hehehe, Kyuu-chan still had the cup on her head! ^^]

Kyuu: "It'll be very hard to complete the union in less than an hour!"

Yuuhi: "What do you mean 'union'!! don't jinx it..."

Yuuhi: "I shouldn't have let her go!!"

Yuuhi: "What's with Aya? What's so good about that mystery-man?"

Yuuhi: "hmph!"

Page 78
[Chidori lifts Yuuhi's head up and takes a pic of him.]

Chidori: "I thought so!"

[Yuuhi backs away.]

Yuuhi: "Chi-Chidori-chan?!"

Chidori: "Aya only sees you as a friend, but you're DEEPLY and PASSIONATELY involved in ONE-SIDED-LOVE!"

[Chidori's words cut through Yuuhi like an arrow.]

Chidori: "Heyyy" [heart] "I'll be your girlfriend, then!!"

[Chidori tries to cheer up Yuuhi from his depression.]

Yuuhi: "What!?"

Chidori: "Even though I never thought about looking for you guys before Shouta saw that picture and wanted to meet the flying lady, I was already interested in you!"

Page 79
Chidori: "The way you grabbed onto Aya makes me want to use my female instinct! hehe..."

Yuuhi [blushing]: "Hm."

Yuuhi [tries to act tough]: "Uh, sorry! I'll think about it when you get a little older."

Chidori: "What does it have to do with the fact that I'm not changing?!"

Yuuhi: "Of course it does!! Look at you! You don't even have breasts!!"

Chidori: "Ah, you're so rude!! I have some!! See!"

[Chidori grabs Yuuhi's hand and puts it on her breast. Yuuhi is shocked.]

Page 80
Aya: "What the hell are you doing?"

Aya: "Lolita complex!"

[Yuuhi freezes and sweatdrops.]

Chidori: "Aya-san, welcome back!"


Chidori: "Well, Shouta, see ya tomorrow!"

Chidori: "We'll be in Tochigi for a while, so don't let yourself get down!"

Shouta: "Okay!"

Aya: ...he seems pretty hopeful...

Aya: Why'd I let her talk me into flying with Shouta?

Yuuhi: "A hotel? We just came here and you've already found us a place to stay?"

Kyuu: "Just show this name card, and everything'll be okay. The Aogiri name has such power!"

Page 81
Yuuhi: ...I wonder if after all, I'm relying on my dad's power.

Chidori: "What?! Come stay at my house!!"

[Chidori grabs onto Yuuhi. Aya is angry.]

Chidori: "You came all this way for Shouta, so come and play at my house!!"

Aya: "Don't joke around!! We're worn out..."

Chidori: "I wonder what I should do with the negative of this picture..."

Aya: "We'll try not to be in the way..." [heart]

Aya: One of these days, that brat's gonna get a black eye!!

Page 82
[On the way to Chidori's house.]

Kyuu: "Look, there's the Naka river!!"

Chidori: "Oh, a trout fishery! The stuff there is very delicious!"

Kyuu: "There's also a Hagoromo legend in Tochigi."

Kyuu: "A young man from the village was watching the Tennyo bathe at this pond, and he hid the hagoromo. The Tennyo became his wife, and tehy had 7 children, but the Tennyo got the hagoromo back and returned to the sky."

Kyuu: "Um, and the Tennyo's village was named 'Amagomura'."
{Amagomura = Heavenly Child Village}

Chidori: "Tennyo?"

Yuuhi: "Um, nothing, nothing!"

Aya: I wonder if the Tennyo here returned to the sky...

Granpa: "Huh?! You came all the way from Tokyo to visit Shouta in the hospital?!"

Page 83
Granpa: "Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Please, please stay here for the night!!"

//chop, chop, chop//
[Grandma is busy chopping away while looking at Yuuhi.]

Granma: "I'll make dinner right away!! So please make yourselves comfortable!!"

Yuuhi: "Uh, I'd keep my eyes on the cutting board if I were you..."

[Grandma cuts herself.]

Granma: "Ah!"

[They gather around the table to eat.]

Chidori: "Wowww!! Amazing!"

Grandma: "Sorry I let a guest do all the work!"

Chidori: "Buuut isn't he a great cook?!"

Yuuhi: "It's nothing."

Chidori: "You're awesome, Yuuhi! Did you learn how to cook before?"

Yuuhi: "For now, it's still just a hobby! But when I graduate from high school, I'd like to go somewhere and study cooking."

Page 84
Yuuhi: "...It's just my dream... but It'd be nice to own a little restaraunt with the woman I love..."

Yuuhi: "That's it!"

Granpa: "Hahahahaha!! I wish you luck, son!"

Granpa: "Here's a guy with bright family plans!"

Grandma: "That's his dream for the future!"

[Nighttime. Aya gets ready to go to bed. Kyuu-chan is already asleep beside her.]

Aya: Yuuhi's always throwing fast balls at my heart.

Aya: While Tooya's throwing curve balls. How can I catch them? I don't get it...

[Aya notices a picture.]

Page 85
Chidori: "That's Dad and Mom!"

Chidori: "Two years ago, a bus slipped in the rain! That's when Shouta's feet were hurt, too..."

Chidori: "Our parents shielded us with their bodies! Their necks broke... and they died!"

Chidori: "Look! This scar is also from the accident."

[Chidori shows Aya her scar.]

Chidori: "...whaat?"

Aya: "Me, too... My father died--He was also shielding me..."

Chidori: "----!"

Chidori: "Eh, he, he... Really?! I guess we can relate to each other, then..."

Chidori: "Well, I'll go sleep with Yuuhi-kun, okay? Good night!"

Aya: "Goodnight...."

Page 86
[Aya ties Chidori up in the bedsheet.]

Aya: ...

Chidori: "Why??!"

Aya: But these kids are hurting more than I thought. If I could just help Shouta-kun.

[The next morning, in the hospital.]

Doctor-guy: "Kiritani-sensei, Kiritani-sensei!"

Doctor-guy: "Kiritani-sensei! Can't you hear me?!"

Tooya: "Oh yeah... My name's 'Kiritani...'"

Doctor-guy: "Please stop kidding around. This is the special isolation ward patient's medical chart."

Page 87
[The doctor-guy is hanging around Tooya, trying to pick on him.]

Doctor-guy: "Check out that hair! Looks kinda reddish-brown... Isn't that a bit flashy?"

Doctor-guy: "Huh? Huh?"

Doctor-guy: "You should also consider cutting your hair!! And what's with all that junk on your ears and neck?? Hey, are you listening to me?!"

[Tooya stops at Shouta's medical chart.]

Tooya: ...

[In Shouta's room.]

Tooya: "You said you weren't feeling well?"

Shouta: "Sensei... Um-hm. I'm okay... It only hurts a little."

Tooya: "Does the sky... interest you?"

Shouta: "I've been thinking about it... about what's beyond the sky--where mom and dad are."

Page 88
[Aya is walking down the hallway to Shouta's room.]

Aya: //butsubutsu// {grumbling, complaining}

[Aya is having flashbacks.]

Chidori: [I'm going to school today, so take care of Shouta!!]

Chidori: [You understand that you have to!!"

Aya: There's no way that little brat could be cute... but then...

Yuuhi: [Aya! Kyuu-san and I'll look after the patients, but...]


Aya [meekly]: [Yes, sir.]

Aya: "Jeez--"

[Aya pauses at Shouta's door.]

Shouta: "I wonder if I'd be able to live happily if I could fly? Because I'm so lonely, and I can't meet anyone..."

Page 89
Tooya: "Humans are alone. From the day they're born to the day they die... they're alone."

Shouta: "But I still have a big sister, and a Granpa, and a Granma."

Shouta: "I have friends, too... don't you have someone, Sensei?"

Tooya: "--No."

[Aya is evadropping outside the door.]

Shouta: "Then, your mom and dad?"

Tooya: "I don't know them."

Shouta: "Then--didn't you have trouble growing up?"

Tooya: "...I don't remember."

Shouta: "Then, have you always been alone?"

Page 90
Shouta: "...Aren't you sad...?"

Shouta: "I'd be sad! That scares me."

Tooya: "That's right. I'm scared--always."

Tooya: "But I've never been lonely... because I've never had anyone important to me... I've never had anything to lose."

Tooya: "But... now, I've found someone."

Aya: "Huh?"

Shouta: "That's great! Are you happy?"

Page 91
Tooya: "...I've become sad--I don't know who I am anymore. I don't know what I'm doing or saying... Maybe everything's just a lie..."

Tooya: "If I get close to her, I'll only hurt her... but I can't help myself now..."

Aya: He knows we can't be together, but still...

Shouta: "Even if you're sad, can't you get better? Can't you escape?"

Tooya: "I don't want to turn away from my feelings... sometime... for that person, I'll find myself."

Tooya: "It probably still counts as happiness... a kind of sweet agony."

Page 92
Shouta: "...I wonder if I'm just running away, too..."

Shouta: "...I wonder if I'll be able to keep going... like you..."

Shouta: "O--kay--...I'll become your friend, Sensei! ... If I do that, you won't be so sad, right?..."

Tooya: "...take a nice, long rest."

Page 93
[In the hospital courtyard.]

[Tooya is sitting on a bench, thinking back to what Shouta had said to him.]

[Are you always alone?]

[Aren't you sad?]

[People walk by.]

Kid: "Daaaad! Moooom!"

Page 94
[Aya is hiding behind a tree.]

Tooya: "...'Dad'."

Tooya: "...'Mom'---huh."

Page 95

Aya: [What's with that happy face?]

Aya:[Why do you look like you don't care?!]

Aya: [Why can't you make things clear?]

Aya: At first, I felt satisfied just looking at him with my heart pounding... As long as I can be with him and tell him about my love for him, I don't need to think about anything and I feel happy... but as I began to have desire, I began to feel unsatisfied and often got angry for being lonely... I never thought about how lonely Tooya feels... Never realized how he suffers for my sake...

Page 96
Tooya: [...Aya.]

Aya: Just looking at him, my emotions race, my heart stops---- It's true... Tooya...

[I can't use words. I don't want to use words.]

Page 97
Aya: I won't run away either. Because of everything.

Aya: The 'sweet agony' that was given to us...

Aya: this pain must be what loving someone is like...

[Yuuhi and Kyuu-chan are leaving the information desk.]

Yuuhi: "Sooo this time, the urgent care patients we came for are these 7 people!"

Yuuhi: "Including Shouta, that's 3 boys, and 4 girls...I wonder if they're the same 7 in the legend? Their ages are scattered..."

Page 98
Kyuu: "But they all came from the Tennyo legend called Hagagun... if we can find out whether they have ancestors in Shioyagun...."

Yuuhi: "It's useless! It's too old a story! Even if they did have descendants, they would all be scattered by now. How the heck did the Mikage family find them out? There are no specific traits..."

[Yuuhi stops at a door.]

Yuuhi: "Let's see... this is Sasamine..."

[A woman rushes out the door and buries herself in Yuuhi's chest.]

Kyouko's Mother: "KYOUKO!!"

Nurse: "Call the doctor! Hurry!!"

Kyouko: "u..."

//alarm goes "beep! beep!"//

Page 99
[Lights flicker and go out.]

Yuuhi: "Huh?!"

[Back outside.]

Aya: .....!!

Aya: "Ceres... why are you coming out now?!"

Aya: "Oh no!! If I change now---"

Aya [remembering Tooya]: [My job is to capture the Tennyo.]

Aya: "If Ceres is in the same mood as before, she'll want to kill Tooya... then Tooya, too..."

Aya: "What should I do? I can't control her!!"

Continued in Part 4...

[back to the volume 4 translation page]

translation by Joy, 1999
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