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Monday, November 22, 1999
(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 4 Translation (Part 4)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 100

Aya: "No!! I can't change into Ceres now!!"

Aya: "I don't want to fight Tooya!!"

Aya: "Don't come!!"

Suzumi: [Instead of fighting fate...]

Suzumi: [You should accept it, and face it.]

Page 101
Aya: Accept it, don't fight it.

Aya: I'm okay with Ceres.

Aya: I don't have to be afraid.

Aya: Refusing and running away are the same thing.

Aya: Remember what Yuuhi said about feelings not changing, no matter what form I take.

[Tooya appears behind her.]

Page 102
[Tooya turns Ceres around and points the knife at her. They stare at each other.]

[Tooya puts his knife away.]

Tooya: "I guess no matter how hard Aya resists, you will still ignore it."

Ceres: "You're not going to capture me? Isn't that your job?"

Tooya: "What about you? Not going to kill me? Isn't everyone who sides with the Mikage family your enemy?"

[Tooya sits down on the bench.]

[Hmmmm...aren't all these people walking by noticing anything amiss here?... O.o ]

Page 103
Ceres: "...yesterday, why didn't you embrace Aya? Aren't men all the same?"

Tooya: "I can't... do something as irresponsible as that."

Ceres: "You're a strange man... you... who are you?"

Tooya: "I want to know the answer to your question, too, so I chose to join the Mikage family--I'm not afraid of loneliness... I just want to... confirm my true identity."

Ceres: "To confirm whether or not you're a 'normal human being'?"

Page 104
Ceres: "Mikage... that dirty-minded family... Do you really think they'll give you what you want? They'll just play you like a toy!"

Ceres: "For Aya's benefit, I suggest you leave them as soon as possible... haven't you suffered enough under the present condition?"

Tooya: "It doesn't matter what method is used, as long as things get cleared up for me... as long as I'm normal... if I'm a normal man... then I can accept Aya... but if I'm not..."

Ceres: "...there's one thing I can't make any sense out of..."

Ceres: "I always have the feeling that I've known you from long ago."

Ceres: "Is it my memory or Aya's? Your name, you... a long time ago... somewhere..."

Page 105
[Tooya's celular phone rings.]

Tooya: !

[He takes it out.]

Voice on cellphone: "Sensei, please come to the isolation ward right away! One of the patients is.."

Nurse: "Kyouko! Kyouko! Calm down!!"

Kyouko's Mother: "Kyouko! Kyouko! Calm down!!"

[Kyouko's mother tries to comfort her.]

[Light bulbs shatter]

Yuuhi: "WAAAHH!!"

[Kyouko tightens her grasp on Yuuhi.]

Page 106
Yuuhi: "Kyouko-san!! Woudl you please let go of me? You're hurting me..."

[Kyouko looks up... with a rotting face. Yuuhi's eyes pop out.]

Yuuhi: "Kyaaa!!! Please forgive me!! I'm just a random extra!!"

Yuuhi: "Ouuu.. chhh..."

Kyuu [hiding behind a wall]: "What are you saying? You're the main character!!"

Yuuhi: "Replace me right away! I'll just be a supporting character!"

Kyuu: "How about being the main character of a High school comedy?"

Yuuhi: "What the hell are you saying?!"

[Another patient's door slides open.]

Page 107
[A patient walks out and spits out blood. Yuuhi screams.]

[Ceres and Tooya come into the hallway.]

Ceres: "Yuuhi!"

Nurse: "Sensei! Until now, things were running smoothly. Things like electric currents were shooting through the walls, blocking us..."

Tooya: "Ah, step back."

Page 108
Tooya: "....I wonder what kind of energy it was?"

Ceres: "...It's some electric current like power, not mine--"

Ceres: !!

Yuuhi: "...Ceres!?"

[Kyouko falls down.]

Nurse: "Kyouko?!"

Kyouko's Mother: "Kyouko?!"

Ceres: "...The power has disappeared..."

Nurse: "Shimoji-san?! Sasamine-san?!"

Tooya: ...

[Tooya checks Kyouko's eyes.]

Tooya: ...

[Tooya shakes his head. Kyouko's mother covers her mouth.]

Kyouko's Mother: "...ah...ah..."

Page 109
Kyouko's Mother: "Kyouko! Wahh!!"

Yuuhi: !!"

[Yuuhi grabs Tooya's collar.]

Tooya: "...What? Go ahead, say what you'd like... ask me why I'm working for the Mikages as their dog."

[Yuuhi tries not to puke in front of Tooya.]


Tooya: "...Go down that passage to the right, and it's the last left."

[Bwahahhahahahahah!!!! oh, poooooor Yuuhi~!]

[in Tokyo]

Page 110
[At the Mikage Company. In Alex's lab.]

Alex: "Ah--that was tiring, wasn't it. Aki-san? How're you feeling, laddie?"

Aki: "The worst I've ever felt---!"

[Aki takes off a visor.]

Aki: "I can't remember anything about my past life!"

Alex: "But somehow, Aya-san was able to change into her past life!"

Aki: "Ceres is different. That woman uses a curse to steal Aya's body without her permission, and holds a major grudge against the Mikage family!!"

Alex: "Nonono, the one who gave the lass her grudge was you, Aki-san..."

Aki: "Whose side are you on?!"

Page 111
Aki: "...What is my past life, anyawy?"

Aki: "It's because of it... that... I can't be with Aya..."

Alex: "...Aki-san."

Alex: "Is something bothering you?"


Aki: "...ah... no, it's not that... but I'm just taking it all out on you. You must be upset, too."

Aki: "I'm sorry."

[Alex takes off his glasses.]

Alex: "Buuut, Aki-san, it seems like it would be hard not being able to meet a girlfriend."

Alex: "It's okay... compared with your problems, mine are just 'work.'

Page 112
Alex: "That's all."

Alex: "In all honesty, I have an innocent interest in finding the hagoromo."

Aki: "...come to think of it, why are you working here?...where were you born?"

Alex: "Me? The U.K.! 20 years ago, I was born in Scotland."

Alex: "When I was 10 years old, I moved to America... and later, entered MIT--then after that, I worked with Mikage International's American branch."

Alex: "That's where I met the Chief."

Aki: "You mean Kagami-san?"

Alex: "I'm interested in the Mikage Tennyo's family line... in Scotland, we also have a similar fairy tale... ours is about a woman who lived on the other side of the sea, whose dress was stolen..."

Page 113
Alex: "There are ancient legends all over the world. I wonder what the Tennyo are... The Chief and I want to solve this mystery."

Aki: "...and so you came to Japan...? Then your familly? Your friends in Scotland?"

Alex: "...I haven't seen them in years. Studying and researching are more fun, you see... So I really don't need them."

Aki: "...You should contact them... they must be worried about you."

Aki: "What's more important than ancient mysteries... is where you were born, and who you've met. That's what I think."

Aki: "Textbooks and machines... aren't things you can laugh and cry with."

Alex: ...

Alex: "...You may be right..."

Alex: "That's a good way of thinking... The president, your grandfather... His condition is getting worse."

Aki: "Huh?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

Page 114
Alex: "The Chief's taking a leisurely visit over at the Mikage household and will come back in a bit."

Alex: "Wait in your room for him. Listen to what he has to say! Don't worry; everything will be fine!"

Aki: "Really... I didn't know... that Grandpa was..."

[Aki walks into Kagami's office. He stops in front of Ceres' picture.]

Page 115
[Aki walks up to the picture and starts feeling its surface with his hand. It stops at Ceres' mouth.]

Page 116
[Kagami comes into the room. His eyes widens in shock as he sees Aki kissing Ceres' picture.]

Page 117
[Aki opens his eyes.]

Aki: ?!

[In shock, Aki covers his mouth. He turns deep red and sweats.]

[Aki turns away from the picture.]

Page 118
[Aki is surprised to find a smiling Kagami behind him.]

Aki: !!!

[At the hospital.]

Nurse: "Akagi-san's breathing has just stopped--"

Nurse #2: "Sasaki-san is in critical condition, too."

Tooya: "This makes... 4 people down..."

Page 119
[Ceres holds up a necklace.]

Ceres: "...This ornament called a 'choker' is something that Aya is very fond of."

Ceres: "Please take it."

Ceres: "If you want to return to Aya's side, take off the thing you now wear on your neck and replace it with this."

Tooya: "---why..."

[Tooya takes the necklace.]

Ceres: "Do not be mistaken; it has nothing to do with how I think of you. Aya does not care what you are. If you can answer to the Way You Are Now, it is good."

Page 120
Ceres: "Face Aya. It will be amusing seeing what kind of faithfulness you and Yuuhi have for her."

Kyuu: "But, in the rivalry for love, Yuuhi..."

Kyuu: "....is armed with a puke-bowl, looking very pathetic, lying on his deathbed."

Yuuhi: "I'm just resting! What do you mean by lying on my deathbed!"

Kyuu: "But still, the 7 isolation patients keep dying one after another--!"

Yuuhi: "Son of a bitch! It must be from those drugs they took. Those Mikages!! They're doing such nasty things."

Yuuhi: "So there are just 3 left... Akiyama Kami, Yoshizuka Hirokazu,

Yuuhi: "...Kuruma... Shouta---"

Page 121
[Chidori jumps on top of Yuuhi.]

Chidori: "YUUHI-KUN! WHAT'S UP?!"

Kyuu: "Chidori-san, right now, your greeting caused a ride up to the top of Yuuhi's stomach."

Chidori: "Here! I brought you a gift!"

[Chidori takes out a seafood flavor pizza.]

Chidori: "O-KONOMIYAKI! Ta-dah!" {barfing noises}

[Yuuhi pukes into the bowl while Chidori snaps away with her camera.]

Chidori: "Oh yeah! I was coming through the passage, and saw Aya-san!"

Page 122
Chidori: "She's become exactly like the one in the picture, so I recognized her immediately."

Chidori: "Because she was with a super-hot doctor and looked pretty hot with him, I couldn't interupt them!"

Chidori: "He must be the doctor Shouta was talking about.."


Ceres: "Nothing, really."

[Ceres walks up to them.]

Chidori: "Aya-san!"

Ceres: "Well then... shall I fly? Together with that boy--"

[At the hospital rooftop.]

Page 123
//doki doki doki//

Shouta: "Onee-chan, are you sure I'll be okay?"

Chidori: "You'll be fine!"

[Ceres picks up Shouta.]

Ceres: "Hold on tight..."

Ceres: "So you will not fall."

[Ceres flies up with Shouta.]

Shouta: "Waaah!"

Page 124
Chidori: "Wow, cool!!"

Yuuhi: "She's perfectly defying the laws of gravity..."

Chidori: "---but, somehow... it's pretty!"

Chidori: "I've never seen it in a fairytale, but that's definitely the feeling!!"

Chidori: "'Tennyo', huh..."

Page 125
[In the air.]

Shouta: "Wah!! So cool!! I'm really flying!! I'm really flying!!"

Ceres: "Are you not frightened?"

Shouta: "Yeah! Just a bit... Wah!! Look how small the hospital looks!!"

Shouta: "Onee-san, it's cool, isn't it!! Just like the 'Tennyo-sama' I've always heard grandpa talking about!!"

Ceres: "What..."

Shouta: "Over there! That's Sakagawa beyond Modegi!"

Shouta: "I heard that at Amagokou, there's a temple where the Tennyo came down to from the sky."

Page 126
Shouta: "Um, the Hagoromo? The Tennyo took it with her when she went back to the sky!"

Shouta: "She left her husband and children behind. Is the sky really so much better than family? Why did she go back?"

Ceres: "Because when you look down on earth from the sky the humans look like tiny insects, it's pathetic!"

Shouta: "It's because the sky was so wide and tall, so the people from long ago longed for the it. That's what Dad told me."

Ceres: "Humans living their lives walking along the earth is their destiny... so they long for things they can not have--"

Shouta: "...But... I really... want to fly!"

Shouta: "After we land, I'll get my legs back... I'll walk. I definitely... want to become a pilot!"

Page 127
[Inside the hospital.]

[Nameplate on the wall: Akiyama Kumi]

[In Akiyama's room, Akiyama opens her eyes.]

Page 128
[Back outside.]

Yuuhi: "Looks like they're coming down a bit."

Chidori: "Shouta--you can take your time..."

[A lightning bolt thingy shoots up from within the hospital and hits Ceres.]

Chidori/Yuuhi: !!

Ceres: "Ahhhh!!!!"

Page 129
[Ceres loses her grip on Shouta. He falls.]

[I want to become a pilot!]

Chidori: "Shouta--!!"

Page 130
[This page contains nothing but Suzumi's character profile. I'll scan it later. ^v^ --Nekojita]

Continued in Part 5...

[back to the volume 4 translation page]

translation by Joy, 1999
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