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(Ayashi no Ceres)
Volume 4 Translation (Part 5)

Formatting conventions:
text = character's thoughts
[text] = narration
//text// = sound effects, when necessary
{text} = translation notes

Page 131

Ceres: "Shouta!!"

Page 132
[As Shouta falls, images of the car accident flash past.]

Shouta: "Ma... ma..."

[Chidori and Kyuu-chan covers their eyes. Yuuhi shuts his.]


[Chidori uncovers her eyes, Kyuu-chan peeks under her partially opened hands, and Yuuhi opens his eyes.]

Pgae 133
[Ceres is holding Shouta in her arms.]

Shouta: "Ma... ma?"

Chidori: "Shouta!!"

Yuuhi: "Ceres!! This can't be happening. Hey!!"

[Blood comes out of Ceres' head.]

Page 134
[Outside Akiyama's room.]

Patient: "Nurse, what was that just now--"

Nurse: "It's nothing! Return to your rooms-

Nurse #2: [gasps]

Nurse: "Akiyama-sa--"

[Akiyama's room is a mess. The concrete on the ceiling is broken as the result of the lightning bolt thingy.]

Kumi: "My injuries..."

Kumi: "Have healed--"

Pgae 135
Nurse: "Akiyama... san? Your bed--"

Kumi: "I'm all right... I feel like I have power surging through my body."

Kumi: "But something's weird... Everything around me is breaking."

Kumi: "How do I stop it---"

Tooya: "This's bad... Everyone, step back!!"

[Back at the rooftop.]

Kyuu: "Aya-san! Aya-san, wake up!!"

Page 136
Yuuhi: "We've gotta find a doctor fast. Not just her head's hurt, but that strange light hit her."

[Shouta moves his wheelchair a bit.]

Chidori: "Shouta?"

Shouta: "...Onee-san. She was shielding me..."

Shouta: "Just like mom... Just like mom and dad."

Shouta: "She'll die! And it's all my fault!!"

[Chidori loses her grip on the wheelchair handle.]

Page 137
[Shouta moves the wheelchair to move forward.]

Chidori: "Shouta!!"

Chidori: "Wait!!"

[Another lightning bolt thingy shoots up.]

Everyone: "Waah!!"

Page 138
[Back in front of Akiyama's room. Tooya looks around at the dead corpses.]

Tooya: "Crushed to death...? No, spontaneous combustion? Akiyama Kumi was acting like an awakened Tennyo. Right, I'd better check on the other two--Yoshizuga and... Shouta..."

Nurse: "Kiritani-sensei!!"

Page 139
Nurse: "We can't find Yoshizuga-san!!"

Nurse #2: "Ah!!... what in the world is going on?! Th-that...!!"

[Tooya checks in Shouta's room. It's empty.]

Tooya: "Shouta."

[Back at the rooftop.]

Yuuhi: "Aya--!!"

Yuuhi: "Shit... What the hell was all that..."

Page 140
[Yuuhi looks down to see Aya.]

Yuuhi: "Aya?!"

Aya: ...!


Yuuhi: "Why'd ya hit me?! You're so mean!!"

Aya: "You landed on top of me again, jeez..."

Aya: "Ah!?"

[Aya cringes at the pain on her head.]

Aya: "Ouch...?"

[Aya puts her hands on her temples.]

Kyuu: "Are you okay?"

Chidori: "...Shouta?!"

Page 141
Chidori: "Shouta... Shouta's not here!"

Aya/Yuuhi: "Huh?"

Chidori: "He... must've thought that mom and dad's death was his fault. Thinking that it was because they tried to save him---!"

Chidori: "If that's the case, then it's more my fault--"

Chidori: "That day, I was the one who told the family "Let's go to the movies!"

[Chidori begins to cry.]

Chidori: "Because of work, dad wasn't able to have a break for a long time... But even though the weather forecast said it'd be a heavy rain, I whined to let us go."

Chidori: "If I hadn't said that, everything would have been okay... I was selfish. Just like a little kid..."

Aya: So that's why she's so sensitive about Shouta's injuries...

Page 142
Aya: "It's not your fault, Chidori. It's not Shouta's fault either."

Aya: "Your mom and dad really cared for you two. It's not your fault that they're not alive now. So... don't give up."

Aya: "Move on... seriously..."

[Chidori's legs suddenly buckles and she falls.]

Aya: "Chidori?!"

Chidori: "M--m, I just feel a little bad..."

Kyuu: "Ah!"

Kyuu: "What's Shouta doing up there!!"

Page 143
[Through the hole on the ground, Shouta's unconsicous body can be seen lying on the concrete one floor down from the rooftop.]

[At the Mikage family. Aki is sitting on his bed watching Aya on tape.]

Page 144
[Aki recalls the events before.]

Kagami: "...You can wipe that look off your face, Aki-kun."

Kagami: "I don't think it's wrong."

Kagami: "In fact, I'm quite proud of you... no wonder you two were married."

Aki: "That can't be!!"

Aki: "I had no idea what I was doing...If I had, that... well... I..."

Kagami: "Perhaps the problem facing you now is that you're in love with your little sister?"

Page 145
Kagami: "You shouldn't feel guilty... do you know? Twins in some overseas countries are called 'fiancee'. They bring a different meaning to lovers."

Kagami: "In Japan, on the other hand, calling twins 'married kids' is outrageous. They believe twins are the reincarnations of lovers who commited suicide in their past lives."

Kagami: "Several countries also have myths of the origin of mankind."

Kagami: "Twin-gods bonded and started humankind... so you don't have to worry about your 'taboo' relationship..."

Kagami: "The rules of nature are a woman and a man... just two living beings."

Page 146
Kagami: "Here, I'll give you this microfilm that Tooya got. You must want to see Aya-chan, right? It's been a long time, hasn't it."

Kagami: "...Don't worry. What you did shall be our little secret."

Aki: "Aya..."

Aki: "I've become strange. Somehow... I've become really sick..."

[Aki slowly cries himself to sleep.]

Page 147
[Back at the hospital rooftop.]

Chidori: "Shouta!!"

[Shouta opens his eyes and looks up.]

Shouta: !

Chidori: "Shouta!! Don't move, we'll come and--"

Yuuhi: "Wait!! It's too dangerous--If we walk on top of that, it'll break!!"

[The concrete around the hole slowly crumbles.]

Page 148
Yuuhi: "Shouta, listen up!! You've gotta inch yourself over to the right!! Go slowly and everything'll be okay!!"

Yuuhi: "I'll look for a place on the other side!!"

[Yuuhi runs off.]

Aya: If I coud get Ceres... why did I return to myself at a time like this?!

[Shouta, shaking slightly, is not moving as he was told to.]

Yuuhi: "Shouta!! What're you doing? Hurry up!!"

Shouta: "I can't!!... I can't move!! I'm gonna die. I'm really gonna die!!"

Shouta: "And that's fine with me!!"

Page 149
Shouta: "Dad and mom aren't here anymore, I can't use my legs anymore, I'm just causing everyone trouble... I can't take it anymore!!"

Shouta: "If I die, I'l be able to fly up where dad and mom are!! I won't have to be sad anymore!!"

Shouta: "Onee-chan, it's best this way!"


Aya: "Just how old do you think you are?!"

[Kyuu-chan has to restrain Aya from getting too close to the hole.]

Chidori: "Aya-san!!"

Page 150
Aya: "Our caring about you is bad?? If you die, you think that'll make everyone happy?!"

Aya: "I'm just a brat who lives off of help from others, but did I make up my mind to just give up from the very beginning?! You CAN walk. It's not that you can't walk; your problem is your lack of courage!!"

Aya: "Do you know what it means to suffer to the point that you want to die!? You can only tell after you've lived your entire life! Don't act like you know everything!"

[Aya suddenly stops and half faints.]

Kyuu: "Hey, Aya-san, you're losing blood!! You're injured, you know..."

Page 151
Aya: "...it's okay to depend on others when you're suffering... as long as you keep on going... in the future... it will be your turn to help others..."

Aya: "...But don't make others sad...The person who thinks of you is..."

Aya: "...your big sister who believes in you!!"

[Aya places her hand on her head, where blood is still coming out.]

Aya: Yuuhi.

Aya: Yuuhi, hurry, for Shouta.

[Yuuhi is running through the hospital hallway.]

Page 152
Kumi: "Just now... that was..."

Page 153
Kumi: "...telekinesis...!!!"

[Shouta, what do you want to be when you grow up?]

[A pilot! Then I can take my family traveling!]

Page 154
[That really sounds like fun.]

Shouta: "Onee-chan..."

Kyuu: "Aya-san! Look at Shouta-kun!!"

Chidori: "Shouta!!"

Chidori: "That's right, Shouta, keep going!!"

Page 155
[On the floor where Shouta is at, a man walks toward Shouta. He stops in front of the boy.]

Chidori: "...Yuuhi?"

Chidori: "...No..."

[The man turns out to be the patient Yoshizuka.]

Page 156
Yoshizuka: "...It hurts. Like something's escaping my body---!"

Yoshizuka: "Help... help me..."

[Yoshizuka grabs Shouta's wrist. Electricity runs through Shouta's body.]

Shouta: "Aaaaahhhhh!!!"

Chidori: "Shou--"

[The Tennyo symbol flashes in Chidori's eyes.]

Page 157
Kyuu: "Huh... that's probably Yoshizuka-san, Aya-san!! One of the 7 possible C genoma!!"

[Chidori swings on her feet.]

Shouta: "Oneeee... cha..."

[Chidori puts her hands on her temples. The Tennyo symbol appears behind her.]

Chidori: "Stop it."

Chidori: "Shou... ta...!!"

Aya: "...Chidori?!"

[The buttons on Chidori's uniform fall off. The uniform rips.]

Page 158
Chidori: "Shou... ta..."

[Electricity flows from Chidori, crackling all around her.]

Continued in Part 6...

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translation by Joy, 1999
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