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    image gallery :: fanart

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fianna riley - hitokiri mode [563x716, 99k]
this is one of my favorite pieces.

fianna riley - in disguise [411x630, 44k]
i was experimenting with a different manga style here.

self portrait [489x639, 91k]
i've since cut my hair. the rest is fairly accurate.

amiboshi collage [663x927, 95k]
a page from my sketchbook that i thought was amusing enough to scan.

miori, from ayashi no ceres [700x685, 73k]
** spoiler warning for vols 8 and 9 **

miori, from ayashi no ceres [684x668, 83k]
this is a color cg that i did of the above sketch. i really like the way it came out.

card captor sakura [606x668, 64k]
complete with plush kero-chan. my first attempt at clamp-style art.

sakura-chan color cg [606x668, 62k]
by request, color cg of my sakura-chan sketch. rather obvious that i'm not that great at cg, eh?

akaneko 5000 hits omedetou! [600x388, 63k]
well, this cg came out a lot better. a counter hit present i created for akaneko, who runs my favorite japanese anc site.

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