Site Map

Main Index -- where it all begins

Information Desk -- info about Generals Love
          Introduction -- think of it as a prologue, learn why this site exists
          Announcements -- the latest news and jolly notes from moi =)
          FAQ -- answers to questions i get a lot
          Site Map -- to help you find your way around (you're here!)
          Fine Print -- disclaimers and thanks

The Archives -- fanfics for your delight
          Authors' Index A-L -- fanfics sorted by authors A-L
          Authors' Index M-Z -- fanfics sorted by authors M-Z
          Titles' Index A-L -- fanfics sorted by titles A-L
          Titles' Index M-Z -- fanfics sorted by titles M-Z
          Updates -- looking for the newest stories? here's the place to go
          Submit -- my guidelines on submissions, please review them
          Good Reads -- my favorite fics on this site
          More Good Reads -- my favorite fics *not* on this site
          Titles Categorized By Senshi -- just what it says =)

Museum -- visual entertainment
          The Picture -- the infamous picture that started it all
          Fanart Gallery -- great fanart

Variety -- fun extras i couldn't fit anywhere else
          Speculations -- thoughts and the proverbial cheesy poll
          Love Quotes -- words of love fitting to the theme
          Links -- make your exit through other great pages
                    Link Generals Love -- would you like to link Generals Love?
                    Author Links -- links to homepages of authors on this site

The Characters -- shrinettes to the tragic lovers
          Ami and Zoisite
          Makoto and Nephrite
          Rei and Jadeite
          Minako and Kunzite

Sign the Guestbook -- leave me a message
View the Guestbook -- read what nice things people have said to me
Updates -- the new stuff
Site Map -- find your way around (you're here!)
Fine Print -- disclaimers

Main || Introduction || Announcements || FAQ || Site Map || Fine Print

Sailormoon is © Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TOEI Animation, Bandai & DiC.
Generals Love © 1999-2001Lady Mars. Read the Fine Print.