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The Casual Otaku FAQ

Why do you call yourselves The Casual Otakus?

Actually, only Les calls himself The Casual Otaku and, being the egomaniac that he is, the site is named after his pseudonym. If hardcore fans are known as Otakus then Les is more of a Casual Otaku. The other three folks who work on this site more or less consider themselves fans without need to be specific about it.

Why does Hairboy call himself "Hairboy"?

To get people to ask why he calls himself Hairboy.

Is Mirhala her real name?

No, but she likes it a lot so it may as well be her real name.

Why do Hairboy and Mirhala use pen names instead of their real names?

Because they�re in the Federal Witness Protection program.

How is work on the site divided up?

By and large a lot of the coding and layout is done by Les because he�s the only one crazy enough to try and maintain such a large site. Hairboy has created several of the anime series and all of the tokusatsu pages as well as contributing reviews to just about everything Les has forced him to watch. Eric does all the cute anime pictures of Les and Hairboy found around the site and occasionally contributes a review of something he�s seen and felt like writing about. He also spends a good deal of time putting up with Les begging for more artwork from him. Perhaps someday we can convince him to come up with a drawing of himself. Miri contributes reviews to the various series she�s seen and is also working hard on some new pages for our upcoming "features" section. She also spends a fair amount of time thinking up new ideas and directions for the site to take and pointing out broken links and spelling mistakes that Les has made. If TCO looks at all professional it�s largely due to Miri�s efforts at quality assurance.

Why don�t you have a page for "such and such" anime series yet?

Either none of us has seen it or we�re working on it. It�s pretty much a 50/50 chance of either option being a correct answer. We admit we�re slow so bear with us.

Why does Hairboy�s hairstyles change from one drawing to the next?

Because Hairboy�s hair in real life changes often and Eric uses whatever style HB currently has when making new drawings of him.

Why are there no drawings of Mirhala or Eric?

Eric is still working on Miri�s drawings, but refuses to do drawings of himself probably because he�s worried about being overwhelmed by marriage proposals if women knew what he looked like.

Why do you guys support and promote dubbed anime? Everyone knows subbed is the only way to go.

Like many things in life, this is open to debate. Largely because it�s a matter of subjective personal preference as to which someone will like over the other. By and large, Les will take a good dub over a sub most of the time, but a sub over a bad dub any day. Eric generally only watches dubbed anime, which makes him representative of the "mainstream" market. Hairboy will generally watch either, but prefers subbed most of the time. Miri will occasionally tolerate dubbed only when convinced it�s worth watching and will complain vocally throughout. Together we represent a pretty good sampling of the spectrum of anime fans. Like it or not, dubbed anime is here to stay if for no other reason than it�s what the import houses make most of their money on. As a result, we attempt to cover both as the situation dictates.

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Images from Iria: Zeiram The Animation copyrighted by Central Park Media.
All other content copyrighted 1996, 1997, 1998 Les's Place Productions, Ltd.