Finding anime and manga is pretty straightforward these days. Both are popular enough that most major video chains and bookstores near you will probably have at least a few titles of both forms on hand. Finding collectables and other merchandise related to anime, however, can be a little more challenging. To help in this endeavor we've compiled two guides for your perusal. One is for stores in and around the Metro Detroit area that carry anime and manga and related merchandise. Why'd we pick Detroit? We just happen to live in the area. The other guide is to national mail order houses, many of whom you can order from over the internet. Neither guide is an exhaustive listing and both shall be updated time and again so check back every so often and if you have a suggestion for us to place on one of the two lists, don't hesitate to drop us an email.

All things considered there are worse places to live other than the Detroit area, especially if you're an anime fan. Aside from the major video chains and bookstores there are a number of folks providing us with our daily dose of anime mayhem. You'll find a listing of many of them in the above guide just by clicking on the bar.

If you don't happen to live in Detroit, or if you find that no one in the area has what you're looking for, then the next best thing is to go mail order. You lose the whole instant gratification thing, but you greatly increase the range of products you're likely to find in doing so. Click the mail order bar above to go to the guide.
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Images from Neon Genesis Evangelion copyrighted by Gainax/A.D. Vision. All other content copyrighted 1996, 1997, 1998 Les's Place Productions, Ltd.