If you're new to the hobby of collecting anime and manga you may find yourself overwhelmed at times by how much there really is that you might need to know about. Even how much you need to know will vary depending on how far into the realm of anime fandom you plan to immerse yourself. No matter if your interest is minor or major, we're here to help.
Anime series can be broken down into two general cateogries, namely television series and Original Animation Videos (OAV). You'll find the synopsis for both by clicking the above anime series bar.
Anime is often at it's best when it's done for theatrical release. Plus there are a number of OAV titles that only ended up with a single release making them much like movies in terms of their length. Click the above bar for overviews of titles from both categories.
What's tokusatsu you ask? It's a Japanese word which translates roughly as "special effects film", or what American's used to call a "Speilberg Flick" before Speilberg started producing serious films. Traditional examples would include Godzilla and Ultra Man among many others. Click the tokusatsu bar above if you want to learn more.
Just what the hell do all those words mean anyway? Every hobby has it's own collection of code words and slang and anime collecting is no different. Add on to that the fact that many Japanese words are used by fans on a day to day basis when talking about their favorite shows and it shouldn't come as a surprise that new fans are often confused. Don't know what a particular word you've heard thrown around means? Just click the bar above to access our Lexicon.
Every now and then we try to make it out to one of the many anime conventions that takes place around the country. Of course, we always take lots of pictures. The last con we made it to was the first year event called Animazment and by clicking the bar above you can see some of the pics we took. In the future we'll be adding more info on conventions and what you can expect when going to them.
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Images from El-Hazard copyrighted by Pioneer LDCA. All other content copyrighted 1996, 1997, 1998 Les's Place Productions, Ltd.