Aside from the traditional From The Editor column, soon you'll also find additional essays and editorials on a variety of topics and by an assortment of authors.
Look Who's Coming to Dinner...
Guest columnist Akio Nagatomi from The Anime Cafe gives us his views on Disney's entry into the domestic anime market.
Reprint of The Fence
Guest columnist Michael Brady has allowed us to reprint one of his classic columns he wrote for Animecca last year. Despite the length of time that has passed since the original printing it still is worth repeating today.

From The Editor
Les' ongoing ramblings from the moments of clarity that are often experienced after the last page of a new update is moved onto the server.
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Images from Revolutionary Girl Utena copyrighted by Central Park Media. All other content copyrighted 1996, 1997, 1998 Les's Place Productions, Ltd.