The Yaoi Files
U.S. Manga
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Welcome to the F.A.Q-chan! However, please be careful not to get too
distracted by my incredible good looks! You do have a job to do.

KIREI . . .

©2000, Higashiko
On this page are some of the most frequent questions presented to the
staff of the shounenai Bureau of Investigation. And I, Oba-Q, am here to
guide you through them. Once you have examined this document, do not forget
to go sign up to join the car pool. I'm the driver you know! ;)

1. Why did you decide to create this organization?

Answer: Because we're freaks.
Actually, we wanted to provide fans of the shounenai and yaoi genre with both information and entertainment.

2. Why did you choose (insert name here) to run the (insert division or
department here)?

Answer: We chose characters that we liked and tried to place them in areas of the SBI that would best suit their individual strengths. Agents are also chosen based on whether they could be non-biased during investigations. However, a couple of agents, who shall remain nameless, have managed to weasel their way into becoming agents through less than honourable means.

3. What is the difference between official and unofficial debriefing sites?

Answer: Official debriefing sites were contacted and were asked for their permission to be linked to from our page. Whereas, unofficial sites are those which allow anyone to link to them (no questions asked) or are the only existing site for a particular series that for some reason could not be
contacted. However, we do try our best to contact sites to obtain their approval.

4. I didn't think you emphasized the differences between the anime and manga. You should clearly state which one you are writing about, since they are often so different, and done at very different times.

Answer: [Q-chan fights back tears] But we worked so bravely! [The Asst. Director shoves Q-chan out of the way to answer herself] You do have a point there... However, we at the Bureau tend to see the Yaoi Files as a "glorified links page." I am more concerned with getting someone interested in a series and sending them to a de-briefing site which can elaborate on the finer points. Our information on series comes from numerous sources (from firsthand experience to video reviews and even just posters) and occasionally we don't even know the differences between the anime and manga forms. Sometimes, as in the case of "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon," the differences are too great for us to even attempt to go into. We will try to be more specific in our investigations (at least in those without de-briefing sites), but I am still hopeful that our visitors and agents will assist us in gathering information and making our site the best it can be. [Q-chan drives the carpool van in and rams the Asst. Director] Don't apologize for our stringent efforts!

5. Who is the most intelligent and gorgeous agent of the SBI?

Answer: Oba-Q of course!

All characters and images are copyright to their respective creators.

This Document is the Property of the Shounenai Bureau of Investigation, ©2000.
(except the Asst. Director, Watan Okoge, who can be reached via email at