The Yaoi Files
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The Inner Circle
(see also: Division Heads, Special/Field Agents)

Watan Okoge
Position: Assistant Director of the Shounenai Bureau of Investigation
Series: none
Personal: What can I say? No, really...I cannot think of anything...I haven't even really met her. I was hired by a yellow rat...

(but, you can click her badge for a special
declassified document! - Moneypika)
Click me for a special document . . .

Wingy Higashiko
Position: Resident Artist & Doujinshika
Series: none
Personal: This information is highly classified...;)
[However, some information has been declassified. Click Higashiko's badge for a special document and art gallery! - Moneypika]

a.k.a. The Wise and Enlightened Puu
Position: Chief of Webdesign
Series: none
Personal: After accidently forcing all of her followers to drink Wise and Enlightened Kool-Aid, Puu has opted for several cybernetic implants to help her create and maintain the SBI's website.
Webpage/Shrine: Mokona's Gate
puutsukib.jpg (11324 bytes)

lonegundam.jpg (19572 bytes) The Lone Gundam
Department of Illustration Aquisitions
"They only love me for my scanner..."

Agent Caerbannog
Position: Special Agent, Field Operations
Series: none
Personal: It is a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived! Bones of full fifty men lie strewn about its lair. So, brave Knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth.
Webpage/Shrine: The Cave of Caerbannog

What's he do, nibble your bum?
click for full image (31K)

Irritable Bowel Disorder
click Gene's badge to see a typical day
in the service of the Asst. Director. (45K)

"Gene" Lickitung
Position: Personal Assistant to A.D. Okoge
Series: Pocket Monsters (Pokemon)
Personal: The Assistant Director relies on Lickitung's powerful battle skills to subdue suspects for interrogation and fetch Raspberry Vanilla Cappuchinos. But she also wanted a kawaii sidekick...
Webpage/Shrine: Labyrinth of Lickitung

"MoneyPika" Pickachu
Position: Secretary for the Office of the Assistant Director
Series: Pocket Monsters (Pokemon)
Personal: Even though you can't find anything more kawaii than a pikachu, the Assistant Director felt that it's charming Personality and skills would be more suited to a desk job. Besides, when an agent is furious that the A.D. is out of the office yet again, they are less likely to get angry when there's a darling electric mouse present. And if they do throw a tantrum, Pikachu just shocks the rage right out of them!
Webpage/Shrine: (free link)

Repetitive Stress Disorder
click Moneypika's badge to see a typical
day in the service of the Asst. Director. (49K)

All characters and images are copyright to their respective creators.

This Document is the Property of the Shounenai Bureau of Investigation, ©2000.
(except the Asst. Director, Watan Okoge, who can be reached via email at