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Since August 24, 1997 . . .You are Rayearth lover number to grace this page.
Updated last May 10, 1998...just mainly gave it a new look, changed some music and fixed the Innova link. Come back again soon and watch out for more additions! ^_^

Choose which Realm you would like to Enter . . .

[The Realm of Lantis]
[Lantis, Hikaru and friends]

The Realm of Lantis

Lantis’ Vault of Love and Fire

[The Realm of Zagato] [The Star-Crossed Lovers: Zagato and Emeraude]

The Realm of Zagato

The Star-Crossed Lovers: Zagato and Emeraude

[The Realm of Innova] [The Vision of Eagle]

The Realm of Innova

The Vision of Eagle

[The Realm of Rafaga] [Ferio’s Realm]

The Realm of Rafaga

Ferio’s Realm

[The Magic of Clef] [Ascot’s Realm]

The Magic of Clef

Ascot’s Realm

Visit this newly added page: Lantis' Info-link Review.

| The Realm of Kailu Lantis | Lantis’ Vault of Love and Fire | The Realm of Zagato | The Star-Crossed Lovers: Zagato and Emeraude | The Realm of Innova | The Vision of Eagle | The Realm of Rafaga | Ferio’s Realm | The Magic of Guru Clef | Ascot’s Realm | Go Back to Main Page |

Copyright © of CLAMP and Kodansha; ©1997 Kailu Lantis .

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